Posted 14 октября 2022, 18:08

Published 14 октября 2022, 18:08

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Lies without salvation: the information campaign of mobilization has reached a blind alley

Lies without salvation: the information campaign of mobilization has reached a blind alley

14 октября 2022, 18:08
The events of the last 24 hours on the front of the mobilization of Russians into the army no longer fit into any legal or logical framework. If you follow the messages in the press and TG channels, then the follower develops a stable cognitive dissonance with all the signs of schizophrenia and split personality.

Sergey Lvov

Today, thousands of Muscovites orally and in writing, in public social networks and telephone conversations, in communication with relatives and colleagues, discuss TENS of videos filmed at metro stations. There, without any blunders and misunderstandings, it is shown how groups of citizens, consisting of police officers (usually district police officers) and a couple of people in civilian clothes, bully men of military age leaving metro stations. Often conversations go in a strange pattern:

- Who are you?

- I'm nobody.

- And who are you?..

At the same time, both sides often understand the legal absurdity of the situation. According to the law on the police, no district police officers, traffic cops or opera have the right to participate in the mobilization, delivery of people to the military registration and enlistment offices and delivery of subpoenas.

Absurdity in the square - when they are assigned to help with no-names in civilian clothes, which, even at the direct demands of citizens to introduce themselves and show at least some documents, are silent like fish or clumsily snarl with general words about some kind of "law", "duty" and " duties", avoiding his identification in every possible way.

Who are you guys? Activists? Volunteers? Or do you work a shift in the State Unitary Enterprise? Who sent you to the streets and doorways? Who pays for your efforts?

There are no answers.

By the evening of October 14, the Moscow military commissariat told RIA Novosti that "no subpoenas are being served by the city's military commissariats or police officers."

According to the representative of the department, it turns out that “regular search activities” are carried out at almost every metro station outside the Circle Line and they are associated with “constant operational-search activities to catch criminals”.

Oh how!!!

And we believed

That is, after looking at dozens of videos with sound and dialogue, they should say thanks to the military commissar of Moscow and admit their own delusions.

Yes, dear military commissar of the city of Moscow, Major General Viktor Shchepilov, here in the capital of our Motherland we are so snickering, so lazy with our mental abilities that we are unable to understand the strange checks of documents and the detention of men of military age.

In common with the Muscovites, whose cognitive capabilities are below the baseboard of the military commissariat, was Senator Klishas, famous for his lawmaking. Even before the reassuring statement from Shchepilov, Klishas , Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation, said that the raids on mobilization evaders are illegal . And the actions of the organizers must be given a legal assessment.

Wondering what rating to give? As a fine? Or layoffs? Or are we talking about criminal liability for VIOLATIONS OF THE LAW indicated by the senator?

After all, it is a serious matter - to sow panic in a city of 15 million!

Oh yes, people in uniform and generals in the military registration and enlistment offices do not care about heart attacks of mothers and wives, hypertensive crises and hard drinking among potential mobilizants.

It’s good that by the evening of October 14, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief cooled the ardor of the military, declaring that the partial mobilization announced in Russia would be completed in two weeks. At the same time, Putin also gave a very offensive assessment of the "mobilizers":

- When these mobilization events began to be carried out, only then did it become clear what quality they were. This information base is now being updated, on a modern basis, on a modern basis, and it will be as reliable as possible,” the head of state noted.

A little later, Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov delicately added:

“Don't be afraid to walk around Moscow. It is necessary to ask the Prosecutor General's Office a question... The President instructed the prosecutors to accompany all mobilization activities. And it is the prosecutor's office that is responsible for the observance of the law."

Well, now it is clear how to frighten persistent "activists" in uniform and without it.

And we have no doubts about the quality of both the mobilization measures and the propaganda campaign that supposedly should have accompanied such a large-scale procedure. Two again...
