Posted 1 ноября 2022,, 10:11

Published 1 ноября 2022,, 10:11

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

11% of Japanese companies left the Russian market in 2022

11% of Japanese companies left the Russian market in 2022

1 ноября 2022, 10:11
Фото: 1MI
According to the report of the statistical center Teikoku Databank, in 2022, 18 out of 168 Japanese companies doing business in the Russian Federation finally left the Russian market. The center's analysts noted that since February 2022, 75 out of 168 Japanese companies have suspended or ceased operations in Russia.

“According to the study, as of October 25, out of 168 companies that operated in the Russian Federation, 18 announced their final withdrawal from the market. At the same time, only in September and October this number increased by 10,” Teikoku Databank noted (quote according to TASS ).

One of the last to leave the Russian market was the Japanese automobile giant Nissan Motor, which sold its assets in the Russian Federation to FSUE NAMI, subordinated to the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade.

“In total, since February, 75 out of 168 Japanese companies have announced their withdrawal from Russia or the suspension of activities,” analysts added.

According to the researchers, the indicator has remained virtually unchanged since June. Teikoku Databank notes the emerging trend of a complete exit from the Russian market of organizations that previously suspended their activities in the country.

The Statistical Center also drew attention to the fact that Japan is in the penultimate place among developed countries in terms of the share of companies that have left the Russian market. According to experts, the leader of the ranking is Norway with a score of 56% , followed by the UK - 47% . In this list, Japan is located between France ( 13% ) and Italy ( 5% ).