Posted 1 ноября 2022,, 13:38

Published 1 ноября 2022,, 13:38

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Media: cinemas through the court require IMAX to continue to work in the country

1 ноября 2022, 13:38
The united cinema chain Formula Kino and Cinema Park have filed a lawsuit against the Canadian corporation IMAX, demanding that the company fulfill the terms of the contract and continue to work in Russia.

It is reported by Kommersant.

The cinema chain demands that IMAX continue to perform duties in kind, as prescribed in the contract, and not pay compensation, the newspaper notes.

IMAX suspended operations in the country in June. The corporation forbade showing films in its own format, although distributors have the equipment for this. Previously, Russian cinema chains have already sued the company, demanding to terminate the contracts.

The Association of Theater Owners believes that networks that are suing IMAX are counting on the company to return to the country. " If all of a sudden, in five to ten years, film companies decide to start working again in Russia, the court's decision in the IMAX case will be a trump card for cinemas," the association's representative said.

Level Legal Services believes that cinemas are trying to retain the right to operate the equipment in court.