Posted 1 ноября 2022, 14:09

Published 1 ноября 2022, 14:09

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Success and gloss are no longer in fashion: the advertising preferences of Russians are moving towards reality

1 ноября 2022, 14:09
Most Russian advertising consumers admitted that they are annoyed by the familiar image of a happy, cheerful, problem-free family on TV screens and gadgets. Another 80 percent of viewers do not accept someone else's success.

Ivan Zubov

Experts from the end-to-end analytics service Calltouch conducted a study to find out how stereotypes in advertising have changed and what Russians believe today. 1,500 people over the age of 18 took part in the online survey.

Recently, due to well-known events, global brands are leaving or suspending their activities in Russia, because of this, the marketing and advertising sector has faced a crisis, which is associated not only with the lack of usual budgets, but also with a change in consumer sentiment and behavior.

According to Calltouch, 80% of Russians said they want to see more vital ads: someone else's "success" is no longer to the liking of consumers and often causes negative. So, 59% of Russians are annoyed by the image of a happy, cheerful family without problems. 22% - the image of a successful young man or girl. 9% - the image of a tough businessman, and 5% do not like obedient advertising children. The rest (5%) said that "everything is annoying, now there is no time for advertising."

The study revealed a trend that is global today - a gradual rejection of stereotypes, filters and "instagram" (the network is banned in the Russian Federation - ed.). Although, it is worth noting that 14% of respondents said that they still like "advertising gloss", and 6% said they never watch ads at all.

The survey revealed images that remain attractive to consumers. 40% answered “an ordinary person who looks like me” answered, 34% - “star or media person”, 26% - character (cartoon or movie character). This is also why advertising is increasingly using celebrity deepfakes: this is an easy and still legal way to extend the trust associated with a media person to your product or service.

The researchers also found out which promises in advertising reflect the needs of consumers today. The vast majority (55%) answered that it was stability, 19% noted freedom and independence, 18% - security, and only 8% highlighted the item "success and life to the fullest."

Former advertising methods and stereotypes now work poorly or are completely ineffective. You need to try new things, test ads, track conversions. End-to-end analytics methods help to understand how attractive advertising is. The system processes data from advertising sites, the site and from the CRM system, and then presents the information in the form of a visual report on all marketing campaigns. The entrepreneur sees which ads bring leads and profits, and which ads waste the budget ,” commented Calltouch specialists.
