Posted 7 ноября 2022,, 06:39

Published 7 ноября 2022,, 06:39

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

The owner of the burned-out cafe "Polygon" was suspected of fraud with the land

7 ноября 2022, 06:39
Public activists in Kostroma demanded that the authorities investigate possible corrupt ties between business and local officials after the incident in the Polygon cafe, which claimed the lives of 13 people.

Anna Skudaeva, Kostroma

The fire in the Kostroma cafe "Polygon" became the worst emergency in the city with the maximum number of victims over the past 20 years. Social media users, discussing the tragedy, drew attention to another problematic point related to the activities of Polygon LLC, which since 2006 has been headed by the deputy of the Kostroma Regional Duma from the United Russia faction Ikhtiyar Ildir oglu Mirzoev . For many years, Mirzoev's company miraculously avoided fire inspections , and the burned-out cafe turned out to be far from the only strange moment in the relationship between the Kostroma authorities and the United Russia deputy.

According to representatives of the Kostroma environmental movement “For the Name of Life”, back in February of this year, social activists sent a complaint to the Prosecutor General’s Office against the actions of officials from the Kostroma mayor’s office, who changed the draft planning of the territory of the city’s Victory Park, cutting off 6.3 hectares from the protected area for the construction of seven multi-apartment high-rise buildings houses in favor of the commercial company of the United Russia deputy.

As follows from the text of the appeal of the eco-movement "For the Name of Life" addressed to the regional prosecutor, quite by accident, public figures discovered documents testifying to the plans of officials to build up the landscaped area of Victory Park near Bulvarnaya Street.

“Miracles happen not only on the New Year, but also after the New Year. Such a wonderful event took place in the city of Kostroma on January 31, 2019, which no one knew about, since the ribbons were not cut, and the media were silent. And the following happened. The head of the administration of the city of Kostroma Smirnov A.V. signed and issued Polygon LLC on January 31, 2019, permission to commission a recreation, culture, entertainment and sports park (hereinafter referred to as the Park) at the address: Kostroma, st. Bulvarnaya, 8. Thus, a new secret new park appeared in the city of Kostroma!!!,” said Valentina Yamshchikova, co-chairman of the environmental movement “For the Name of Life”, engineer-hydrogeologist, on social networks.

It turned out that the city administration issued a permit for the construction of the Park to Polygon LLC on July 5, 2018. Magically, in just six months, the park was “built”.

“Isn’t this a forgery? To accept into operation an object that did not exist and does not exist? It turns out that the city administration knows how to "work" if it wants to. But the Park "Zavolzhye" clearly does not want to equip. And what other miracles await the townspeople in this territory, one can only guess, ”the environmentalists were indignant.

According to urban planning documentation, a land plot with cadastral number 44:27:000000:135, with an area of 62692 sq.m, located at the address: Kostroma, st. Boulevard, is a landscaped area for special and limited purposes.

On the basis of the lease agreement No. D. 2219.4 dated 12/21/2010, the mayor's office leased it to Polygon LLC (100% founder - deputy of the Kostroma Regional Duma from the United Russia party Ikhtiyar Ildyr oglu Mirzoev, director - Anna Tokunova).

The land was allocated for use in the construction of a recreation, entertainment, culture and sports park. However, United Russia LLC Mirzoev received a building permit only in 2018. Already on July 27, Polygon LLC received official permission to cut down trees (55 trees) and demolish the grass cover on an area of 645 square meters. m. The project for planning the territory of the Pobeda Park, which includes a land plot with a cadastral number 44:27:000000:135, provided for a permitted type of construction: public catering, a sports facility.

However, instead, contrary to the project documentation, not a sports facility was built and put into operation on the land plot, but the Pyaterochka store, which Polygon LLC, under a real estate lease agreement dated July 11, 2019, leased to AGROTORG LLC.

“According to the real estate lease agreement, the following meaning is revealed in the section“ definitions and concepts of real estate ”: the building is an object of physical culture, that is, a sports facility has been rented out,” public activists were indignant.

In 2020, the owner of the Pyaterochka store was LLC RIK affiliated with Polygon (the head is the same Tokunova Anna Bakhtiyarovna). And on 08/05/2020, the Kostroma City Hall sold the land plot with the cadastral number 44:27:000000:135 to RIK LLC.

“It is not clear what legal acts the officials of the City Administration were guided by, allowing the privatization of the land plot, which, according to the documents, is officially recognized as a Park, therefore it is a landscaped area for common use (a specially protected area) and is not subject to privatization,” once again the public were surprised.

And then a new miracle happened: the protected lands of the park, which were not subject to privatization, were suddenly renamed by officials.

The Kostroma City Hall has amended the draft plan for the territory of the Victory Park, in part of the land plot with the cadastral number 44:27:000000:135, instead of the promised park, providing for it “Type and name of the capital construction object planned for placement and its main characteristics: 1. Apartment building with a built-in clinic on the 1st floor. 2. Mid-rise residential development (mid-rise residential apartment buildings) up to 8 floors. 3. Objects of culture - 2 floors.

An agreement has already been signed between the City Administration and RIK LLC on the implementation of work to amend the territory planning project, and RIK LLC finances the project. On the land plot accepted by the official document for the operation of the park, according to the plan of the city administration, a grandiose housing construction is to be.

In total, on the territory cut off by officials from Victory Park, a commercial company affiliated with deputy Mirzoev intends to build at least seven multi-storey apartment buildings.

Indignant at the inaction of the Kostroma prosecutors and officials, environmentalists sent an appeal to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. They consider illegal the actions of the authorities to deprive the inhabitants of the city of public territory. Residents consider the construction of multi-storey buildings on the reserved land of Victory Park, on which construction is prohibited by law, blasphemous.

The indignation of the public was caused by the fact that the only moment that confused the prosecutor's office in this scheme was the Pyaterochka store, which exists under the guise of a "gym." In this regard, the prosecutor issued a presentation to the mayor's office "on the elimination of the identified violations in order to bring the documents in line with the requirements of the law."

If United Russia renames the store into a "sports facility", then there will be no obstacles to the further development of the park. And instead of the Victory Park - a green area for common use - before the eyes of Kostroma residents on the reserved land, under the peppy statements of officials about "partisanism" and about protecting the feelings of veterans, a completely different "forest" will grow - from the same type of concrete boxes.

Social activists were indignant that today in Kostroma "both the memory and the Victory are being taken away from all residents," and the taken away native land is being farmed out to the interests of businessmen close to power.

“From Victory Park there are “horns and legs”. There are no other green areas of common use in the Davydovsky microdistricts and there will never be. Instead of 16.0 sq. m. of landscaping for 1 person, in this area no more than 3.0 sq. m. m. Our public task is to defend these 6.3 hectares of green area on the street. Boulevard from buildings and create a real Park there. I don’t know for which Park the head of the city administration Smirnov A.V. signed the act of acceptance into operation, I really hope that the regional prosecutor’s office should deal with this issue to the end and take adequate measures on fraudulent schemes adopted to transfer the land plot to private ownership and eventually for residential development,” said Valentina Yamshchikova.