Posted 8 ноября 2022,, 19:49

Published 8 ноября 2022,, 19:49

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

'Crocodile Dundee' star dreams of selling LA house and returning to Australia

8 ноября 2022, 19:49
“I lost all my fat tissue, my muscles were deflated, so I can’t even open a bottle and have to ask my son about it. Friends who have to go on diets hate me: I try to eat all the fattest and richest things that are forbidden to them. And at the same time I can’t gain a single gram of weight, ”says the artist.

Australian actor Paul Hogan, best known for his 'Crocodile Dundee' movies, has admitted he longs to get rid of his Los Angeles home and return to Sydney, Current Affair reports. Now Hogan lives with his son in a mansion in the Venice Beach area, but misses his native places. In addition, he has been plagued by health problems lately.

Hogan, 83, suffers from retroperitoneal fibrosis, a chronic inflammation of the fatty tissue in the retroperitoneal space. This disease leads to the fact that the tissue increases in volume, and compression of the kidneys, ureters and the vessels that feed them occurs. The actor admits that he lost a lot of weight and weakened: “I lost all adipose tissue, my muscles were deflated, so I’m not even able to open a bottle and have to ask my son about it. Friends who have to go on diets hate me: I try to eat all the fattest and richest things that are forbidden to them. And at the same time I can not gain a single gram of weight.

To stop tissue growth, Hogan was prescribed corticosteroids, but the treatment did not work: “Actually, they lead to muscle contraction, so people get fat, but I got thinner and thinner on steroids. Now I'm trying to gain weight. When there is not enough fat in the body, you are constantly cold. Recovery is also hampered by the fact that Hogan has a pacemaker, and doctors do not allow him to play sports at full strength".

According to the artist, up to the age of 79 he was in excellent physical shape, so he could give odds to 40-year-olds. “And then I turned 80, and I understood why they say about this age that it is not for wimps: everything starts to fall apart before our eyes ... So many wonderful things happened to me in life that I didn’t deserve, so I don’t I have to complain, but ideally I'd rather go back to Sydney because I miss my family. I miss the people, the atmosphere. Here I am unlikely to be understood, but the atmosphere in Australia is more friendly and relaxed. There, everyone treats themselves with humor and is completely devoid of the arrogance that can be found in other places”, - says the artist.

Hogan moved to Los Angeles in 2005 to live with Kozlowski. They got married in 1990 and divorced in 2014, but they continue to maintain a relationship, live in the same area and raise a 24-year-old son. In the past, Venice Beach was an elite place, but economic crises have led to the area being filled with homeless tents and crime has risen sharply.