Posted 8 ноября 2022,, 06:38

Published 8 ноября 2022,, 06:38

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Figure of the day: the volume of the global economy by the end of the year will exceed a record $100 trillion.

8 ноября 2022, 06:38
Experts from the International Monetary Fund have made a new forecast for the development of the global economy, which is growing, no matter what

The military actions in Ukraine, the stagnation of many industries and other troubles that the world has faced this year have not prevented the progressive development of the global economy, which, according to the IMF forecast, will break a new record at the end of the year: its volume will reach a dizzying 104 trillion dollars.

At the same time, the future multipolar world looks in such a way that its main poles are still America, Asia (the bloc of China and the “Asian tigers”, including Japan and India) and the European Union, which may well compete with the first two if it manages to maintain its unity.

Alas, Russia is not among these poles and is not expected, with such data it will not be able to claim leadership positions alone.