Posted 9 ноября 2022, 12:54

Published 9 ноября 2022, 12:54

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Military training and "talking about important things" will take up 10% of the study time

9 ноября 2022, 12:54
The plans of the Russian authorities to introduce compulsory military training lessons in schools are being actively discussed on the Web.

Viktor Levin

The militarization of the country is accelerating every day. The course on basic military training will be returned to schools from the next academic year, said the head of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation Sergey Kravtsov. At the end of October, the ministry has already prepared a draft order, which proposes to supplement the school life safety course with two new disciplines - "Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge and First Aid" and "Elements of Basic Military Training".

Learning to walk in formation and to control combat drones

The Ministry of Defense, for its part, supported this idea and offered to teach schoolchildren of two senior classes, devoting at least 140 hours to this subject in two years, Izvestia writes.

The initiative to return military training to schools was made by the leader of the party "A Just Russia - for the Truth!" Sergei Mironov. He stressed that “the introduction of such a subject in schools will allow for the systematic preparation of citizens for a possible confrontation with the enemy,” and combat veterans or law enforcement officers should teach the subject.

It is proposed to train students in first aid in combat conditions. The children will also have a drill lesson.

In addition, it is planned to study the composition and weapons of the motorized rifle squad on the BMP, the engineering equipment of the soldier’s position, and more.

Infantryman's weapon and rules for handling it. Kalashnikov assault rifle (AK-74). Fundamentals and rules of shooting. The device and principle of operation of hand grenades. F-1 hand fragmentation grenade (defensive). RGD-5 hand fragmentation grenade”, - the document says.

According to Deputy Defense Minister Valery Gerasimov, at least 140 hours must be set for NVP during the last two years of training.

The Office recommends providing for the professional retraining of existing teachers in the subject. And if there is a shortage of personnel, it is proposed to recruit them from among citizens who previously served under a contract in officer positions, and military personnel who are combatants should be considered as a priority.

Meanwhile, the RusNews channel reports that the Kurgan Regional Department of Education and Science announced that they plan to teach schoolchildren how to work with drones at the NVP lessons.

“We have already launched a block in the NVP for training on quadrocopters. We understand that every school does not have them. But they are in our quantoriums, which are ready to receive guests there and conduct master classes. There are quantoriums both in Kurgan and in Shadrinsk. There are “Points of Growth” centers in the districts. When the time comes for the NVP program to work with quadrocopters, they will also study it there”. - the regional depot of science said.

Let's not fight, so we will protect families, homes and rights

The Russians reacted differently to these changes. For example. the channel "Kremlin laundress" in every possible way supports the initiative:

“The Ministry of Defense supported the introduction of basic military training in schools, but did not support the idea of returning the two-year military service.

We are witnessing the beginning of a process of rethinking the training of conscripts and the military as a whole in the Russian army.

On the one hand, the Russian state and society should be ready in the future to put "under arms" a significant number of mobilized (global threats to the country will not disappear with the successful completion of the SMO), who will have basic skills in handling weapons and an understanding of what an army and army discipline.

On the other hand, we are deliberately abandoning the Soviet practice of separating young people from ordinary life (and, most importantly, studies) for two years. The Russian army will remain mostly professional, but the quality of the mobilization reserve will increase - this is work with a perspective for decades and a big positive result of mobilization-2022.

Yes, and in social networks there were a lot of responses like this:

- The war then seemed to be something very far away, and therefore we loved the NVP lessons at school. Not boring, fun, perceived as a game like "Zarnitsa". Movies are shown and homework is not assigned. But since then, I remember how to put on a gas mask, shoot at a shooting range and take apart an AK for a while, and I also remember what sarin and zaman are, and how to lie down during a nuclear explosion .

Other bloggers write about the undoubted everyday benefits of these lessons:

- The most senseless thing was in the Soviet school where I studied - it was to walk in formation, to march. But I liked learning how to handle weapons in the GNP classes, for example. Dismantling, assembling the machine for a while is also pretty stupid. For two years of service in the army, these high-speed skills never came in handy for me, no one hurried us with this when we disassembled and cleaned weapons. But I loved to shoot at the GNP. They often shot - from ovens, a little less often - from small-caliber rifles in the shooting range. And once from AKM at an army training ground.

After all, this is how to look. It is possible that schoolchildren are being prepared for war. I see here the preparation of citizens for the possession of weapons to protect their home, family, their civil rights. In my opinion, in a free country, the right to own firearms should be simplified as much as possible - then the authorities will not treat the population like slaves.

Classes on NVP at school did not make me a supporter of war, aggression. And I never liked to walk in formation .

It would be better to teach children the world!

All this seems logical, especially considering the experience of Israel, in which the use of weapons is taught even at a younger age. And yet, it is difficult to understand the logic of Russian officials: after all, not only no one attacked our country, but no one was even going to. Why teach the younger generation completely meaningless things. Journalists have already calculated that the new lessons, called "Conversations about the important" and the initial military training will take up to 10% of the total study time for high school students! This is a huge number, given how little time they have to prepare for exams. Or is everything in the country in order with science and technology? And it occupies a leading place in the world in terms of economic development?

Therefore, there are more opponents of the militaristic initiative in the network than supporters. As one blogger writes:

- Nothing changes in Russia. In the sense of the human mentality and, accordingly, in terms of "arrangement", the mode of life ... We survive - we fight - we survive - we fight - we survive - ... we are preparing to fight ... etc., etc.

And the politician Lev Shlosberg ( recognized as a foreign agent in the Russian Federation - ed.) wittily remarks: “ Initial military training is returning to Russian schools. Unfortunately, there is no elementary peace training among the school subjects ..."
