Posted 10 ноября 2022, 14:37

Published 10 ноября 2022, 14:37

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Katasonov: “Everything is going according to the plans of the Club of Rome, whose theories smack of fascism”

10 ноября 2022, 14:37
On the air of the YouTube channel "Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda" Doctor of Economics, Chairman of the Russian Economic Society. Sharapova Valentin Katasonov spoke about the activities of the Club of Rome.

“Somehow I got carried away and began to read the reports of the Club of Rome. At first I did not really understand this bird language, but ten years later, with the help of older comrades, I began to understand how to read the reports of the Club of Rome between the lines.

I can say that already somewhere by the end of the last century, everything was absolutely clear to me.

The Club of Rome was supposed to designate a scientific or pseudoscientific justification for the restructuring of the world order.

On the main goals and objectives of this restructuring. The first is to stop demographic growth, to begin with, and then to reduce the population.

At first, they said that the optimal population size was 5 billion. Gradually, this figure began to be reduced. Well, the most radical members of the Club of Rome said that even 1 billion would be enough.

The second goal is deindustrialization. It's very strange somehow. We are used to the fact that progress is industry, science-intensive industries.

At first, we couldn’t understand this at all, but back in 1957, Ayn Rand’s book Atlas Shrugged was published, in which these paradoxical things were voiced in artistic form. A significant part of the industry is being destroyed for the sake of those chosen ones who, from some kind of shelter, are watching the process.

I will not present statistics now that show that America is no longer an industrial power. Even if we take macroeconomic indicators of GDP, it's ridiculous. The share of industry in the US GDP is 20%, that is, it is less than the share of the service sector.

That is - deindustrialization. And why? But because the industry grinds gigantic volumes of natural resources. The chosen ones need untouched nature, they need natural resources that they can use for hundreds of generations.

All this science-like theory of the Club of Rome smacks of fascism. There is a certain group of the chosen ones, moreover, chosenness is by no means determined by blood or ethnic characteristics, but these are the chosen ones. Apparently, this is some kind of spiritual and religious sect, but this is not a question for me, as an economist, but for another specialist.

As an economist, I will continue: their third task is the erosion of national sovereignties, the gradual weakening of nation-states.

This erosion took place under different flags - under the flag of ecology, under the flag of creating a global financial market. In general, the ideology worked at full capacity, and not without success.

The fourth task appeared later, already in the 1990s. There were reports about the vital digitalization. And if you start to read the reports of the Club of Rome, you begin to understand: this is a project to build a global electronic concentration camp.

And, finally, the final phase - when the population is reduced, de-industrialization is carried out, national states are weakened to the limit, it is already possible to create a world state with a world government and, accordingly, with a world ruler.

Perhaps I don't consider it conspiracy theories, because I read the reports of the Club of Rome, everything was open. It’s just that some people are looking for some secret documents, but for some reason they don’t see what lies under a bright lantern, they don’t notice it. ”

The full video featuring Valentin Katasonov can be viewed here.
