Posted 10 ноября 2022,, 17:24

Published 10 ноября 2022,, 17:24

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

The United States will not transfer modern attack drones to Ukraine

10 ноября 2022, 17:24
The US authorities fear that the supply of offensive weapons to Ukraine will lead to a further escalation of the conflict

Leonid Zlotin

According to The Wall Street Journal, the Pentagon decided not to openly enter into the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, as the supply of offensive weapons could lead to an escalation. According to the sources of the publication, the transfer of such drones signals to Moscow that America is supplying such weapons to Kyiv.

True, in September, the newspaper recalls, 17 members of the US Congress made a request to provide Ukraine with high-tech reconnaissance and strike unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) MQ-1C Gray Eagle ("Grey Eagle") as soon as possible. They justified this by saying that “risk assessments and the desire to reduce the negative consequences are, of course, very important, but the lives of Ukrainians should not become their price”.

Earlier it was reported that Israel refused to supply weapons to Ukraine. This wasstated on the air of the local radio station Kol Chai by the Minister of Defense of the country Benny Gantz, stressing that Israel instead provides Ukraine with medical and humanitarian assistance.

“I want to clarify that we did not sell weapons to Ukraine, we provided them with medical and humanitarian assistance, and this should be clear: we did not sell weapons to Ukraine. If someone claims that we have sold or will sell weapons to Ukraine, he is mistaken. I am the Minister of Defense and am in charge of Israel's arms exports". The fact is that in Israel they fear that the weapons delivered to Ukraine could end up with Iran.