Posted 14 ноября 2022,, 12:57

Published 14 ноября 2022,, 12:57

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Humiliation in the law. How the Migration Center in Sakharovo works

14 ноября 2022, 12:57
Thousands of migrants stand at night for information in long queues under the rain and snow.

Neglect of human rights is, perhaps, the main feature of the work of Russian state bodies with a long tradition. Especially when it comes to people who cannot stand up for themselves, and first of all about labor migrants. About one, but very typical example of this state of affairs in the famous Sakharovo migrant reception center near Moscow, journalist Yulia Kalinina writes in her blog. Recall that this institution was opened, according to the statements of its founders, precisely in order to simplify and facilitate the passage of necessary procedures for migrants. As you know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and in our case, to this very Sakharovo:

“Today, my father’s nurse went to Sakharovo to the Migration Center to be fingerprinted and undergo a medical examination. Now this is what all migrants should do. For money, of course. They pay for tests and medical examinations.

The nurse arrived at 4 am, took the queue. The center opens at 9. She was in line 900 of some kind.

Thousands of migrants - many with children - stand outside this center on the street every day until midnight. Rain, cold, wind, no toilet. Nobody cares.

I remember how everyone here was worried about the difficulties that our men experienced when crossing the border with Georgia and Kazakhstan.

Same thing with Sakharov. The same is exactly Upper Lars not far from Moscow - the 64th km of the Warsaw highway.

But no one is worried about him for some reason..."

Kalinina's readers confirm the validity of her words:

“The center in Sakharov has existed for a long time, and there has always been humiliation and cheating. Human rights activists are outraged. And migrants are placed in such a slavish position that they cannot be indignant. Well, in Lars there were unexpected circumstances..."