Posted 16 ноября 2022,, 06:43

Published 16 ноября 2022,, 06:43

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Joe Biden considers it unlikely that the missile attack on Poland was carried out by Russia

Joe Biden considers it unlikely that the missile attack on Poland was carried out by Russia

16 ноября 2022, 06:43
American leader Joe Biden, following a meeting with world leaders in Bali, said that preliminary data refute that missiles were fired towards Poland from Russia.

"According to preliminary information, it is refuted. I don't want to say this until the investigation is complete, but it's unlikely, in terms of trajectory, that this was launched from Russia. But we will see”, - said the President of the United States.

Biden held a meeting in Bali with the leaders of the G7 and the North Atlantic Alliance, who agreed to support Poland in the investigation of the missile fall.

It's worth reminding that on November 15 it became known about the fall of two rockets in the Polish village of Przewoduv near Lublin near the Ukrainian border. The media reported two deaths. Experts recognized the S-300 wreckage in the photo. Some analysts recalled that Russia does not use the SM-300, they are in service with Ukraine.

As for Article 5 of NATO, which suggests that an attack on one of the members of the alliance is considered an attack on the entire alliance, the Pentagon said that the application of this article will not be speculated until the facts are established.

The Russian Ministry of Defense called the statements of the Polish media about allegedly Russian missiles a provocation in order to escalate the situation.