Posted 17 ноября 2022,, 09:27

Published 17 ноября 2022,, 09:27

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

The championship was bought, but the weather could not be: what is happening in Qatar on the eve of the Mundial

17 ноября 2022, 09:27
The main sporting event of the year - the World Cup may be overshadowed not only by the heat, but also by the death penalty of the most famous Iranian scorer.

There are only a few days left before the start of the World Cup 2022 in Qatar, and therefore there is no shortage of forecasts for its outcome.

The world believes in the victory of the Brazilians

Novye Izvestia has already reported that the supercomputer used by European experts predicts the victory of the Brazilian national team. The same opinion is shared by the fans, whose opinion was found out by the well-known American sociological service Ipsos in the course of its research. Most often, people in different countries believe that Brazil will win the World Cup (21%). In second place is Germany (13%), followed by: Argentina (10%), France (10%), Spain (7%), England (6%), Portugal (4%), the Netherlands (2%) and Belgium (2%).

The biggest difference between expectations in the world and in the “challenging country” is in Argentina (73% believe that their team will win) and in Brazil (66%).

Further behind are: Spain (31%), France (27%) and Germany (23%). In other countries, less than 20% of respondents believe in the victory of their team (

20 times more expensive than Russian!

Another topic that still occupies the attention of specialists is the climatic conditions in which the 2022 World Cup will be held. Despite the fact that it was moved from the usual summer months to the beginning of winter, the players will have a very hard time: the first group matches of the day will take place almost at noon - at 13.00, when the temperature rises above 30 degrees. For example, on November 16 it was +33 degrees. Not without reason, many experts are sure (and former FIFA President Blatter recently confirmed this) that Qatar got the right to host the Mundial by bribing football officials.

Indirectly, this is also confirmed by the conditions in which many fans will have to live. Recently, Novye Izvestia wrote that a huge cruise liner from Europe has docked in the capital of Qatar, Doha, which will simultaneously serve as a luxury hotel for several thousand people. But the organizers have also prepared other, far from so attractive hotels. Like, for example, these “luxury apartments”: a tent city, in each “room” of which there are two narrow beds and NOTHING else!

Recall that this country spent an unimaginable $ 220 billion on its organization. For comparison, Russia, with its "very expensive" World Cup, has kept within $11.6 billion. So Russian officials will only envy the scale of the “cutting” of the budget.

Instead of Russian football players - officials

Moreover, it is they who will represent our country at the 2022 World Cup instead of excommunicated football players: the official Russian delegation at the World Cup in Qatar will be headed by Russian presidential aide Igor Levitin, TASS reported . Earlier, because of the SVO in Ukraine, Russian teams were suspended from participation in all major international competitions.

Channel " Master of Pen " comments on the situation:

“Of course, it would have been better the other way around. So IOC President Thomas Bach at the G20 summit today called for the participation of teams from conflicting countries in international sports tournaments. At the same time, Bach did not say anything about the participation of official delegations from the respective countries in such events.

There is no doubt: the delegation of the Russian Federation, headed by Igor Levitin, is driven by high diplomacy, which is now more important than ever. Thousands of international eyes will follow which teams the Russian envoy Levitin will root for from the VIP-tribune of the Qatari championship, in what T-shirt with an image he will come to the stadium, what beer he will order, what watch he will wear. On the other hand, even the president himself saved the budget by not flying to Indonesia on the G-20, and therefore, following this trend, his assistant Levitin, taking into account all the circumstances, could represent Russia at the championship in Qatar via video link ... "

Death penalty for scorer?

And, finally, as Novye Izvestia has already reported, the shocking news came from Iran, whose team is participating in the Mundial, unlike the Russian one. The second scorer in the history of football teams in the world, Ali Daei (only a year ago, Portuguese Cristiano Ronaldo moved him from the first line) was sentenced to death in Iran, Report informs. According to the publication, the ex-footballer participated in protests related to the death of a 22-year-old girl, Mahs Amini, and also demanded the removal of the Iranian national football team from the World Cup in Qatar.

True, only one source reported this, and there is no confirmation of this news yet. On this occasion, journalist Kirill Shulika writes: “I am absolutely not surprised that they believe this. As well as the anti-aircraft shooting of enemies by Kim Jong-un. Closed and isolated countries where there is no free press, and the outside world knows about them from rumors and myths. It is sad that Russia may soon become such. Including due to the isolation of her sport and the humanitarian sphere in general. And yes, they will say such things about us and they will believe, they will be sure that this is so. But this cannot even be called fake, this is not deliberate misinformation, but rumors that penetrate from behind the Iron Curtain..."