Posted 18 ноября 2022,, 08:15

Published 18 ноября 2022,, 08:15

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Irina Zhiltsova: “The digital portfolio brings us closer to the caste society”

18 ноября 2022, 08:15
Irina Zhiltsova (, Chairman of the All-Russian Union of Parents “Together”, sent a letter to the editors of Novye Izvestia, in which she reflects on the digital transformation that is being actively imposed on society, and also talks about the risks for children that have appeared in connection with this.

Against the backdrop of sanctions in April 2022, the Bologna Agreement was suspended in Russia and Belarus. In May 2022, the Minister of Education and Science, Valery Falkov, said: “The Bologna system must be treated as a lived stage.” So what's in store for us in return? Should the opponents of the Bologna system rejoice?

The public was prepared for the idea of canceling the Unified State Examination and OGE a year ago, when students failed the exams after distance learning in 2020 and 2021.

“Not this year, but the fact that it will be canceled, I am almost sure of it. The USE, as the system itself, has not justified itself,” said Maxim Zaitsev, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science, in June last year.

Quote: “Currently, the creation of a “digital piggy bank” is being discussed, where the achievements of each child will be entered. Such a portfolio can become the basis for admission to a university”.

In general, according to officials, a DIGITAL PORTFOLIO will come to help students.

Exams, in accordance with the new plan, can be canceled and everything transferred to non-stop testing, so that all grades are stored in this portfolio, and then applicants will be enrolled in the university based on it.

Is it worth rejoicing at such “prospects”?

Scientists and university professors are already noting that the level of students trained in the Unified State Examination remains at the level of grade 9. Is it that milestone when children are being intensively trained for tests, instilling clip thinking in children?

The digital portfolio is inextricably linked with artificial intelligence and the digital educational environment.

According to the project “Education 2035” or “FUTURE OF EDUCATION: GLOBAL AGENDA”, “mass knowledge and skills will be transferred, first of all, through automated solutions; "live" training will be relatively more expensive and, as a result, will be "premium" in nature; education turns into a “personal quest to level up the character” (i.e. learning in the game when the student develops according to the scenario recommended by AI); genetic testing, forecast of educational and career trajectory”, etc.

According to the new idea, it turns out that the USE, having fulfilled its role - having accustomed children to tests, is dying off.

Now the student will be tested daily. AI will assign an “individual trajectory” to everyone and maintain a DIGITAL PORTFOLIO. And the teacher, it turns out, will become a "navigator" - a kind of application, an appendage to the equipment.

DSP provides for the collection of information from all databases of educational organizations, the integration of these databases with portals of state and municipal services, with a unified system of identification and authentication of the ESIA.

It is planned to have total video surveillance of children during electronic learning, that is, biometric identification.

Video cameras with biometric face recognition are already being tested in schools in Perm, Kaliningrad, and Arkhangelsk. Thus, you can collect information about what is the psychological portrait of the child.

Order 218/172 of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On approval of the DSP architecture" contains a list of consolidated data. Only basic information about students includes 32 types of personal data.

In fact, DSP is a tool for collecting personal data of schoolchildren - information about students in order to fill big data databases WITHOUT informing parents about the ultimate goals of forming such databases, about the right to refuse to process personal data and transfer it to third parties .

In terms of scale and volume, these services are the largest in the Russian Federation. They record all school grades, digital homework, educational materials used, use of an electronic diary, data on additional education, learning rate, achievements, assessment procedures, participation in olympiads, available social networks, family characteristics and other information about schoolchildren.

All these are the components of the electronic portfolio of students, which is both a tool for assessing the success of a student at any stage of education and an array of data for artificial intelligence.

Thus, large IT corporations directly become the holders of the big data array and the beneficiaries of the digital transformation of education, adjusting the picture of the future world to suit their interests.

The transition to a new digital economy system was planned back in 2017, long before the 2020 pandemic.

In 2017, work began on the creation of the Unified Biometric System (UBS).

EBS is a joint project of the Bank of Russia and Rostelecom aimed at collecting biometric information and using it to identify users of financial services.

At the end of 2020, the Ministry of Digital Development of the Russian Federation proposed using the EBS in distance learning technologies to ensure personal identification (for example, when taking exams remotely at universities). So far, all this biometrics is not mandatory, but we are being actively pushed for it.

And in 2022, a huge step forward was taken in the collection of biometric data.

In January 2022, the President of the Russian Federation submitted to the State Duma a draft law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” No. 49269-8, which entered into force in July 2022.

The law prescribes the obligation to have a passport with digital personal identifiers, personal numbers and codes.

It follows from the draft law that only those about whom there is information in electronic databases, in the unified federal information register, the biometric system EFIR, EBS, personalized records of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be considered citizens of the Russian Federation.

Now the right to live in Russia and remain a citizen will remain only with those who give consent to the electronic government for the processing of electronic personal data?

In parallel, in December 2018, the National Project "Digital Economy" was approved.

The main end-to-end technologies included in the program are: neurotechnologies and artificial intelligence, quantum technologies, robotics and sensory components, virtual and augmented reality technologies.

An identification platform will be created, including biometric identification, a cloud qualified electronic signature, digital profiles of a citizen and a legal entity, as well as a single electronic signature trust space based on a unified identification and authentication system.

And also - a genetic database!

“Using our significant competencies and developments in bioinformatics, I propose to create a National Genetic Information Base,” the president said at a meeting on the development of genetic technologies. He noted that "the success of genetic research is largely determined by digital technologies, access to data arrays - the larger their volume, the more reliable and reliable the results."

Independent experts believe that, in fact, all possible data will be collected on each of us, including our children.

That is, in fact, we are talking about establishing complete control over citizens. And this control will be exercised by the Central Bank and digital cameras.

For example, China has introduced a Social CreditScore (SCS) system that takes into account social ties, consumer behavior, reliability, wealth, and adherence to rules.

The results of the evaluation, which are kept in the public domain, determine the position of a person in society and the possibility of obtaining certain privileges from the state [TechCrunch, 2019].

More than 18 million people have already lost the opportunity to fly on airplanes, and 5.5 million citizens cannot buy tickets for high-speed trains [Telegraph, 2019].

It is through the digital portfolio and the rating system that it will be possible to exercise control over society.

The ultimate goal is looming - a caste society.

From the birth of children, artificial intelligence will be tested, all information about a person will be collected, up to his genome.

It is AI that will become the main curator of each student: it will analyze the abilities and successes, place them in a certain caste, create a digital profile, the trajectory of education and upbringing; plan a profession, a career, monitor the implementation of these instructions, apply penalties for deviation from them.

That is, people are simply turned into human capital, beneficial or disadvantageous to the elite and corporations.

And it's not hidden. According to the plans of global corporations, a generation of gamers should grow up.

This is openly stated by the Special Representative for Digital and Technological Development under the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov, director of the Young Professionals direction of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) under the Government of the Russian Federation, one of the authors of the scandalous Childhood 2030 project.

Peskov pushes through the demands of the World Bank and transnational corporations - namely, the creation of a transhumanist caste society, which will consist of "one-button people", slaves of "intellectuals" and gamers "24/7" and "ludiarders" who manage them - the owners of the so-called "human capital" .

The best future among these castes will be for "intellectual" slaves.

According to Peskov: “The education of the future will be divided into two types - “computer”, it will be cheap, and “human”, it will be expensive, because knowledge is rapidly depreciating, and social ties and the opportunity to learn face to face will only become more expensive. …Corporations need a mechanism for long-term student loyalty. Let's say education costs 60,000 euros. The state pays the first 10,000 per student, the company pays the remaining 50,000, and tells the employee: “You have to return 50,000 to me for thirty years, that’s 1,600 a year. If you work for me, you pay 500 euros per year, if you leave, if you please, pay off the loan in full.

So, at the end of 2020, a course was announced for the complete digitalization of our society.

Putin: “In the coming decade, we will have to carry out a digital transformation of the entire country, all of Russia, to introduce artificial intelligence technologies and big data analysis everywhere. The digital transformation of Russia will affect every one of its inhabitants and will affect all levels of government, and along with them, every family, organization and all sectors of the economy and social sphere.”

“Automation, information technology, artificial intelligence forced people out of the labor market, they all lost their jobs, it is not clear what will happen to them all. The basic answer to this is: we will drive them all into virtual reality, let them make virtual careers, and they will live, develop and exist there, as in a matrix. The question is what all these people need to eat for something,” Dmitry Peskov clarified the details of digital transformation.

What do these people have? Transcorporation plans will introduce a basic income from the state, which will be paid only for exceptionally good behavior based on the Social Ranking from the digital portfolio.

We know an example when, by expressing the will of the people, plans for total control over citizens were prevented.

In 2016, Vladimir Putin signed a law abolishing the issuance of the UEC. At that time, about 700 thousand cards were issued, the loss of UEC JSC amounted to more than 3 billion rubles. The project was curtailed, despite the invested billions. Why?

Since 2014, people have massively expressed their rejection of the UEC. People wrote a declaration of will, demanding not to assign electronic numbers to them, not to issue cards for them. Preventive measures work! Let’s do it again in 2022, when the most valuable thing we have is at stake – our children.”