Posted 18 ноября 2022,, 12:37

Published 18 ноября 2022,, 12:37

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Kalyagin, Tenyakova and Filippenko became the "Legends of the Stage" of the "Star of the Theatergoer" award -2022

18 ноября 2022, 12:37
The Directorate of the Audience Choice Award "Star of the Theatergoer" (Zvezda Teatrala) announced the names of the 2022 laureates in the most honorable nomination of the award, which are determined without an audience vote by the editorial board of the "Teatral" magazine and approved by the Public Council of the Prize

The Stage Legend award is given annually to masters who have made an immeasurable contribution to the development of the national theater and culture. Their names have long been known to a wide theater and film audience, and their merits are deeply revered in the professional community. Alexander Kalyagin, Natalya Tenyakova and Alexander Filippenko were the winners of the International Audience Award "Star of the Theatergoer" in the nomination "Legend of the Stage" this year.

Alexander Kalyagin is one of the most famous figures of the modern Russian theater, who has played dozens of bright unforgettable roles on stage and in cinema. For 26 years, Alexander Aleksandrovich has been the head of the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation, which helps and supports cultural figures from all over Russia. In addition to social work, Kalyagin continues active creative work: 30 years ago he founded the Moscow theater "Et Cetera", where he is at the "creative helm" as artistic director to this day.

The professional path of Natalia Tenyakova includes the leading stages of Russia - both in St. Petersburg and in Moscow. The career of the actress started on the stage of the modern "Baltic House" and continued with success under the guidance of the great director Georgy Tovstonogov. After moving to the capital, Tenyakova was also seen by the Moscow audience. In Moscow, Natalya Maksimovna also successfully shone in leading roles on the stage of the Mossovet Theater, and then the Art Theater under the direction of Oleg Efremov. It was here that the chronicle of her work was supplemented by the great images of Ranevskaya from Anton Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard, Gurmyzhskaya from Alexander Ostrovsky's Forest and others.

People's Artist of Russia Alexander Filippenko today, perhaps, can rightfully be considered one of the most active theatrical figures of the older generation. In his creative baggage there are dozens of sharply characteristic film roles, high-profile theatrical premieres. The artist closely follows the trends of the era: he leads social networks, participates in online projects. Alexander Filippenko has already won the Theater Star award in acting nominations, but now he will be presented with the most honorable award - Stage Legend.

The awards ceremony for the laureates of the Theatergoer's Star award will be held on December 5 on the main stage of the Vakhtangov Theatre. This evening, the symbols of audience love will be awarded not only to the Legends of the Stage, but also to the leaders of the current online audience voting - the people's deputies of 2022. Anyone can attend the ceremony by purchasinga ticket to the event.

In the meantime, we remind you that the voting in the final stage of the "Theatre-goer's Star" will last until November 30 on the official website of the award - there is very little time left, which means that each vote can become decisive and lead the nominee to victory.


The Theatergoer's Star is the only Russian award in the field of theatrical art that has the status of an independent audience award . Over the 15 years of its existence, the Award has become a symbol of public recognition, because its laureates are determined by the most massive jury - an audience of thousands of viewers from dozens of countries around the world through Internet voting . The public nominates and selects the best premiere works of the season, actors and directors on the award's Internet portal . Age limit: 12+.

19 nominations of the XV Theatrical Star Award Ceremony:

Stage legend

The best performance. big form

The best performance. small form

Best Musical Performance

Best Performance for Children and Youth

Best Director

Best Actress

Best Actor

Best Supporting Actress

Best Supporting Actor

Best Performance by a Theater Actress in a Film

Best Performance by a Theater Actor in a Movie

Best Director Best National Theater

Best Regional Theater

Best Amateur Theater

The best Russian theater abroad

Best Theatrical Project Best Social Theater Project