Posted 22 ноября 2022, 08:15

Published 22 ноября 2022, 08:15

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Alexey Savvateyev spoke about the 10 most destructive ideas for a mass school

22 ноября 2022, 08:15
On the Spets YouTube channel, Alexey Savvateyev, Corresponding Member of the RAN, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor announced a mobilization to restore the public school and spoke about the 10 most destructive, dhttpeceitful, harmful, utopian ideas for the mass school.

"The name speaks for itself. We associate 50 years of incomprehensible unnecessary nonsense with the reform of the school, all kinds of decisions that each time did not improve the school, but worsened its condition, prevented teachers from working, interfered with the educational process, complicated the assessment process, complicated everything in the world, - and this is associated with the word "reform".

Excavations have shown that it all started before perestroika: 50, well, 40 years ago.

This is a very interesting story.

At first there was a group of people who were simply unhappy with what was happening in the Soviet school, despite the fact that all indicators indicated that this school was the best in the world.

It may not be the best we have in our heads, but at least the best in the world.

But there are professional reformers who say, look how depressing everything is, look at this rude teacher, these trembling students.

Yaroslav Kuzminov and German Gref like to use terms in relation to the Soviet school - backward, totalitarian ... In general, the Soviet school was christened with many terms.

It was said that the situation should be changed, the lessons should be conducted in a different way.

Innovative teachers have emerged. What, it would seem, is bad in innovative teachers? Yes, in principle, there is nothing wrong if this teacher leads his lesson brightly and with inspiration.

But as soon as people follow him and say that such a technique should be extended to the entire Soviet Union, this is where the deception begins. No methodology of any teacher-innovator can be disseminated.

The colossal difference between the system and the person.

These innovators did not have a system. It was God's revelation how to teach the lesson.

There is a teacher - it's cool. There is a school named after him - it is much weaker. And the idea to spread this technique to the whole of Russia is just complete madness.

Now I will list ten of the most destructive, harmful and utopian ideas for the mass school, from my point of view.

I’ll make a reservation right away that many of them look attractive and even, perhaps, not bad when implemented in schools of a special type, in the lyceum of the Higher School of Economics, in Moscow mathematics schools, in gymnasiums, where children are selected on the basis that they themselves initially want to study .

That is, in classes where students have intrinsic motivation, all these ten ideas can become quite fruitful, but for a mass school they are all destructive.

1 - HUMANISM (less stress, inclusive education, exams lead to suicide, etc., etc.)

2 - THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD (to be rude during lessons, to get a triple in any case, to do nothing, in short)

3 - NEW LESSON MANAGEMENT METHODS (innovative teachers, gamification, students checking papers, etc. Peterson: "What else don't you know? Make a plan", etc.)

4 - INDIVIDUAL TRAJECTORIES (the student chooses for himself what to learn and what not. What do you think he will choose?)

5 - PER CAPITA FINANCING OF SCHOOLS (death to rural schools, and hence rural life in general)

6 - DIRECTOR - EFFICIENT MANAGER (the director should be a teacher who knows the "kitchen"!)

7 - UNIVERSAL LEARNING ACTIONS (they do not exist, this is a cabinet myth. But they are included in the reports!)

8 - DIGITAL ASSISTANTS (STUDENT, TEACHER, ETC.) - the most important topic, see below about this.

9 - SOFT SKILLS (INSTEAD OF THE SUBJECT BASE) - liberal nonsense, for the sake of today's fashion

10 - META-SUBJECT SKILLS (in principle, they cannot arise without a solid subject base)

In 2014, Alexander Sidorkin (now the dean of the University of Sacrameno, and earlier the dean of the Institute of Education and director of the Center for the Study of Innovation in Education at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, - note "NI") said: " unpleasant (?-AS) and insufficiently meaningful discovery (consists) in the fact that the relational component of teaching turned out to be indispensable. It's very easy to outsource lectures to MEPs, and I must say, this has been known since the invention of the radio. But just as a horse cannot be milked in the absence of a foal, so most children cannot learn in the absence of a significant adult - if not for lecture, then for support and encouragement. Not all children need it, but most.

Unfortunately, no one listened to these words. During covid, digitalization went on a march to conquer the school. Huge amounts of money were invested in the development of all sorts of online lessons, textbooks, and so on "to help students" (in fact, it was just mastering the budget).

In short, the school today is not yet quite a storage room for children, because a small number of the remaining strong subjects are still trying to do their job. Every day there are less and less of them, overregulation is getting higher, salaries are insultingly low almost everywhere, fatigue and despair are growing and taking their toll - teachers simply scatter from schools.

Children (together with teachers and directors) unanimously deceive the system by falsifying the results of tests and test papers.

We need a positive agenda to save the teaching community!

The first step is to show everyone the evidence that the Russian teacher is currently in trouble.

We announce mobilization for the restoration of a mass school in Russia!

We need helpers. A questionnaire has been developed.

To conduct an audit of the education system in Russia, we need helpers - volunteers. These are the people who will help organize a local survey of employees of educational organizations (so far, it’s them!) Using a special questionnaire containing questions about how the school works today.

We invite everyone interested to help in carrying out this important work to become our representatives - auditors of the "Native School"! Both employees of educational organizations, and parents, and any other persons can participate in this work.

The task of the auditors is to involve employees of educational organizations in participating in the survey and assist them in completing the survey (consulting and distributing access keys to the questionnaire among the participants).

The main function of the auditors is to involve as many employees of the school (only school!) education system as possible in the survey.

Read more about the study and how to become an Auditor of the "Native School" in this publication on our website (https://rodnayashkola.rf/audit/)!

There you will also find a link to the auditor registration page.

Questions on the organization of the work of auditors will be discussed at a special webinar, to which we will invite those who have registered at the email address specified during registration.

It is necessary to return the content to the school lesson.

A. Implementation of a director's salary formula similar to that in Moscow;

B. Mandatory publication of payroll (no names);

C. The requirement that a minimum of 50 (preferably 70)% of the Salary Fund go directly to teachers' salaries according to the lesson schedule grid;

D. Rapid Response Commission (in case of "cheating the system"');

E. The elimination of any bureaucratic reporting (in cooperation with the Ministry of Education) of teachers, the abolition of senseless VPR (here it will be necessary to negotiate with the RAO);

E. Creation of a "golden teachers' fund", criteria - according to the feedback of the graduates themselves, the establishment of lifetime scholarships for these teachers of 100,000 rubles per month, their inclusion in the program for transferring experience to junior colleagues;

G. Mandatory delivery of smartphones at the entrance to the school. Without this item, nothing will start, now there is a total smartphone addiction. Here Kravtsov will meet us halfway, he also thinks so.

The full appeal of Alexei Savvateev can be viewed here.
