Posted 24 ноября 2022,, 10:38

Published 24 ноября 2022,, 10:38

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Is not everything screwed up yet? Critics discussed the upcoming premiere of "Self-Irony of Fate" film

24 ноября 2022, 10:38
The news that Kirkorov and Buzova starred in the new film shocked Russian social networks.

Ivan Zubov

As Novye Izvestia has already reported, on December 31, the popular Russian TV channel TNT will premiere another remake of Eldar Ryazanov's legendary New Year's comedy The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath, in which Philip Kirkorov will star in one of the main roles - Hippolyta. The film itself is called “Self-Irony of Fate!”, which indicates the clear intention of its creators to move away from the original as much as possible, and thereby allow themselves maximum “creative freedom”. In addition to Kirkorov, another pop star of domestic bottling Olga Buzova, as well as comedians Timur Batrutdinov and Pavel Volya, as well as Laysan Utyasheva and other celebrities, will star in the film as the bride of the protagonist Lukashin Gali. Actor Stanislav Sadalsky in his blog said that in one of the episodes “in transparent tights, Philip will perform “Mood color is blue”, and Klava Koka will make faces under Gurchenko, will say the New Year’s hit “Five Minutes”...”

This news could not but resonate in the hearts and minds of Russian citizens, since we are talking about the holy film itself, along with the Olivier salad and the President's speech, which has been pleasing fellow citizens on New Year's Eve for almost half a century.

Publicist Andrey Nikulin calls this fact the lowest point of the fall of Russian society:

“For those who believe that it cannot be worse - it can always be worse, and here is the proof of this. "Irony of fate", which we deserve. This winter on all screens, if only because they will have nothing more to show. And it is already inevitable ... "

Publicist Nikolai Travkin fully agrees with Nikulin:

“Of all the arts, cinema is still the most important for us. But not anyhow, but patriotic! And patriotism lies not so much in the idea and content of the film (and who now delve into this), but above all in the actors who play the roles ...

Here, take Carnival Night. At first glance, a comedy, a senseless and useless genre, for neighing and nothing more. And instead of Gurchenko, let Nadezhda Babkina play the main role and immediately the film will sparkle with patriotic colors.

Why break your head, look for modern plots and try to create film masterpieces? And where can you find such authors-creators today? As they were - they pushed them out of the borders of the Motherland and recorded them as foreign agents.

In general, put your hand into the Soviet past, grab something that aroused admiration among the population, change actors for well-worn pop stars from among ideologically tested ones and success is guaranteed ...

Not all messed up yet. But why the hell are you embarrassed, Eldar Ryazanov is no longer with us, he won’t ask ... "

To match and other replicas:

- This is no longer irony, but the sarcasm of fate

- This is the limit of their creative lackey capabilities.

- A sure way to turn away from the TV, even those who still watch it.

- Let them shoot, more such masterpieces, more hell!

We all died and are now in hell....

- Poor Ryazanov, why is he doing this.

- With such an unsympathetic Hippolyte, perhaps, we will be left without a New Year .

In fairness, it should be noted that many people are tired of the endless broadcast of the Ryazan original itself. And is it such a masterpiece as they try to present it? For example, analyst Anton Azarenkov writes:

“Irony of Fate itself is a disgusting film, and all the latest remakes of it are even worse. I can't take more than two minutes. The concentration of everything Soviet as such. Something so idiotic, deviant. We need to close this gestalt. To finish off this disgusting film for everyone, even the mere mention of which is already annoying ... "

It is difficult to argue with such an assessment, however, if we remember that the original was largely saved by their performance by truly talented, and even very talented actors, such as Yuri Yakovlev or Georgy Burkov, and compare them with the Kirkorovs and Buzovs, then it remains only horrified by the depth of the fall of domestic cinema.