Posted 24 ноября 2022, 16:08

Published 24 ноября 2022, 16:08

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

The mobilized sent 12 thousand complaints to the Sverdlovsk Ombudsman

24 ноября 2022, 16:08
Commissioner for Human Rights in the Sverdlovsk region Tatyana Merzlyakova since September 28 has received 11.8 thousand appeals from the mobilized. Basically, people complain about erroneous mobilization and deprivation of federal payments.

According to Merzlyakova, as a result of the consideration of complaints, it was possible to return home the fathers of three children illegally drafted into the army; patients unfit for service and those who fell under the reservation, but whose enterprises could not issue it in a timely manner.

“We are returning these guys”, - Kommersant quoted Tatyana Merzlyakova as saying.

As for the lost payments, the reasons for refusals are different: somewhere there were errors in the lists, somewhere in the data of bank cards. According to the Ombudsman, up to 80% of mobilization issues can be resolved, she expressed the hope that soon the problem with under-received payments will also lose relevance. Today, the Ombudsman has three reception rooms: one in the 32nd military camp in Yekaterinburg, another in the Yelan military garrison, where several mobilized people died, and the third in the Special Military Operation Zone (SVO). Other ombudsmen do not yet have receptions in the SVO zone, but the opening of the center has already shown that it is in demand: 32 complaints have already been received there, requiring the intervention of the authorities.

The State Duma deputy from the Sverdlovsk region Maxim Ivanov also spoke about the massive nature of complaints about the deprivation of payments. According to him, in October alone he received 882 such appeals, 234 complaints have already been submitted to the military prosecutor's office and 250 more are ready to be sent. After the intervention of the supervisory agency, problems with payments began to be resolved.

Earlier it was reported that complaints about illegal mobilization are coming from other regions. In particular, in Kostroma, a half-blind 53-year-old citizen with a tumor in the eye was sent to the army, in need of urgent surgery, and another 59-year-old mobilized with grade 2 hypertension, scoliosis, arteriosclerosis of the aorta and carotid arteries, and a bunch of other serious illnesses are denied in the medical examination and sending for emergency treatment to the hospital. “Let's put it only with a stroke or a heart attack. As you earn, so come, ”the military doctors told the conscript.

People left without help in Kostroma are forced to sue the military registration and enlistment office and the draft board.
