We will compose and record on our own! Russian cinema will lose foreign soundtracks

8 декабря 2022, 10:01
Western record companies refuse to sell music rights to Russian filmmakers.

Domestic producers of films and TV shows are literally pruning their content from foreign music, the Nevminkult channel reports:

“While the zealots of the Russian tradition have been asking them for years, they could have dismissed it with a laugh, but then the white gentlemen themselves raised the issue, refusing to sell the rights. Why anger the gentlemen - suddenly, after the premiere, they will make claims or what kind will be filed in The Hague? Let's take it out and replace it with something. Do we have something suitable Russian?

Producer Boris Osipenko confirmed to his colleagues the decision to replace. They also assure that most viewers will not feel the difference, because there is good music of its own. We alone are already knocking the question: why the hell was it then overpaying for all sorts of Beyoncé for passing songs, if there is almost no difference, but the music has its own?

Once again, we really have to thank our Western partners for their toughness, which is of such therapeutic benefit to Russia. And the least you need to worry about. It so happened that the best Western music will be less and less copyrighted every year, and what will be protected for the next 50-70 years is not needed for nothing..."

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