Posted 9 декабря 2022, 07:09

Published 9 декабря 2022, 07:09

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Life hack: what should a patient do if an inexperienced or unqualified doctor is at the appointment?

9 декабря 2022, 07:09
The expert named four signs that indicate that the patient was faced with insufficiently qualified medical assistance and advised how to proceed in such cases.

Sometimes we meet with negligent performance of duties within the walls of medical institutions. Sometimes, the price of a mistake is a human life. But an ordinary person without a medical education is not in the right to assess the level of qualification of a doctor. However, situations may arise when a person is shown a serious examination for a number of symptoms, but he is prescribed some vitamins or dietary supplements. Ordinary doctors from our city polyclinics also work at the military registration and enlistment offices for medical examinations. The head of the group of doctors at PryzivaNet, Nikita Kanushin, told how to act in a situation where you doubt the professional competencies of a doctor:

“So, you are faced with a situation where the doctor examines you in a wrong way? First you need to decide on the fact, but is it really all wrong? Dealing with this without a medical education is sometimes quite difficult. Probably the easiest way is to ask an independent expert for advice: your friend or a telemedicine specialist.

The second method is much more time consuming. The fact is that for most pathologies, clinical recommendations are provided, which are written by a group of experts with an eye to scientific data and the results of many observations. If you own the time, then it is best to check with them, and not with random articles on the Internet.

Well, the third method is the least effective. There are certain "triggers" of a bad doctor. Let's start with prescriptions: if you are prescribed homeopathy, then it is likely that the doctor is not versed in modern methods of treatment. There is an exception: you came with a cold and you are actually shown tea with raspberries, which, unfortunately, cannot be prescribed. But homeopathy is in the standards and the doctor, as a rule, is obliged to prescribe something for you from drug therapy. But a good doctor in a situation where tea is shown to you will tell you this in plain text and advise you to be treated that way.

The second "trigger": the appointment of the same diagnostic methods in a circle. Again, there is an exception: some analyzes need to be looked at in dynamics, that is, repeatedly after some time.

The third "trigger" is fortune-telling by analysis. When you are referred for a particular study, the doctor should already assume some kind of diagnosis, and you have the right to ask him directly about it. If the doctor does not report the diagnosis, then perhaps he does not know it. Which is, of course, a sign of not the highest qualifications.

The fourth "trigger" is the ability to conduct a dialogue with the patient and the courtesy of the doctor. Of course, we all get tired at work, a large workload does not contribute to increased tolerance or politeness, but you are also not obliged to ignore outright rudeness.

Before complaining, let's take a look at the most neutral and, honestly, from experience, the fastest and most effective way to solve your problem: conversation. No matter how trite it may sound, but simply showing interest in diagnosing your disease or treating it helps a lot. A plus, of course, will be your “erudition” in the matter: either studying clinical recommendations, or consulting a specialist from the field of telemedicine.

Did not help. What to do next? Then you can complain to the head of the department (polyclinic, outpatient department), or immediately to the head physician. Of course, a well-reasoned position with references to clinical recommendations gives a few points forward to the success of the negotiations.

If there is no result at this stage, then the next stage is the insurance company. First, you can call the insurance number, which can usually be found on your policy. This option can be described as a solution to the problem with “little bloodshed”: most likely, the insurance company will not fine the clinic and will cost one conversation. Another option is to file a formal complaint against the doctor or clinic. There's probably no penalty here.

The last resort for a complaint is the Ministry of Health. Of course, not federal, but your regional: the Ministry of Health of your subject. Just calling there is unlikely to work, so you can create an appeal through the State Services website.

And, finally, the very, very last instance, which you definitely won’t be able to turn to first – the prosecutor’s office. The complaint is filed there not on the very fact of violation of your rights, but on the inaction of state bodies that should solve your problem.

If you encounter the same facts during the autumn conscription, the experts of the PryzivaNet company will come to your aid: they will give competent recommendations, develop an algorithm of actions, and help file complaints”.