The EU is struggling with a new package of sanctions against Russia

12 декабря 2022, 13:39
The European Union has not yet been able to agree on a new, ninth package of anti-Russian sanctions, which should be adopted in the evening.

Difficulties experienced by the EU countries in the coordination of foreign ministers in Brussels, writes Politico. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said the discussion will be tense: “This meeting of the EU Council will be very long and difficult. We have sanctions against Russia on the agenda, the ninth package, we still have not reached an agreement. We still have to agree on a number of issues. Maybe this will be done by the end of the day, maybe questions will remain after today's meeting. It will not be easy, because there are different views <…> there, 27 ministers have different approaches”.

Recall that within the framework of the new package of sanctions, the European Commission intends to add to the “black list” about 200 more individuals, companies and organizations, including three banks, enterprises of the military-industrial and energy complexes, as well as the mining industry. The EU also plans to ban the broadcasting of four Russian state channels on its territory.

True, for now, the EU keeps all the names and names of companies secret, waiting for the final approval of the sanctions. In addition to anti-Russian ones, the EU foreign ministers will also discuss anti-Iranian sanctions at a meeting on December 12, as well as the allocation of an additional 2 billion euros for arms supplies to Ukraine.

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