Posted 19 декабря 2022,, 13:47

Published 19 декабря 2022,, 13:47

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

More than half of Russians intend to reduce spending on New Year's gifts this year

19 декабря 2022, 13:47
Six out of ten Russians surveyed said they intend to cut their spending on New Year's gifts this year, according to a survey conducted by Romir and Fix Price.

The survey showed that 62% of respondents are ready to allocate no more than five thousand rubles for New Year's gifts. Another 30% plan to spend no more than 10 thousand rubles. Only 8% of survey participants are ready to buy gifts worth 10,000 rubles or more.

The main reason why the people of the country intend to reduce the cost of gifts lies in the decline in income and rising prices. This was stated by 42% and 44% of the polled Russians.

Only 4% of respondents intend to increase spending on gifts this year, saying that they do this only because of the increased cost of goods.

More than half of the respondents (57%) said they were ready to give gifts only to family members and relatives. 18% of survey participants intend to give gifts to friends.

Most parents plan to buy educational toys, construction sets and board games for their children. This was stated by 47% of the survey participants. 35% of respondents plan to buy sweets for children. Dolls, cars and soft toys are going to be purchased by 23% of the survey participants.

Participants of the survey plan to present useful household items to their colleagues. This was stated by 48% of the respondents. Gifts taking into account individual preferences of a person are chosen by 39% of survey participants. Another 35% say they plan to buy budget gifts or funny souvenirs. 3% of the country's residents said that they did not plan to buy anything at all, but intended to give away something unnecessary.

The survey showed that the vast majority of Russians plan to celebrate the New Year at home or with friends. Only 3% of the country's residents plan to go to another city for the New Year holidays. Only 1% of survey participants intend to go abroad. At the same time, a third of respondents note that this year they will celebrate the New Year "quietly and modestly".