Posted 19 декабря 2022,, 15:05

Published 19 декабря 2022,, 15:05

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

The head of the Security Council of Moldova accused Russia of preparing an invasion of the territory of the republic

19 декабря 2022, 15:05
The head of the Information and Security Service of Moldova, Alexandru Mustiata, in an interview with TVR Moldova, said that Russia was allegedly preparing for a “new offensive” on the territory of Moldova in early 2023. In his opinion, the question is not the likelihood of such a development of events, but the timing.

“The question is not whether the Russian Federation will launch a new offensive on the territory of Moldova, but when it will happen: either at the beginning of the year, in January-February or later - in March-April. But, judging by the information we have, the Russian Federation intends to go further”, - Mustiata said (quoted by RIA Novosti).

According to the head of the Security Council of Moldova, the purpose of the proposed invasion will be to unite with Transnistria, the territory of which the Russian side may not be limited to. Mustiata argued his statements by the presence of an ammunition depot in the Pridnestrovian village of Kolbasna - the depot is one of the largest in Europe.

On the territory of Transnistria, there is an operational group of Russian troops, which is the successor to the 14th Combined Arms Army, which came under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation after the collapse of the USSR. The task force performs a peacekeeping mission, and also guards ammunition depots. In 2019, the head of the Russian Defense Ministry, Sergei Shoigu, proposed to remove or eliminate the stored ammunition, but the matter did not come to an agreement with the Moldovan side.

Even before the collapse of the USSR, the inhabitants of Transnistria were in favor of secession from Moldova because of fears of the republic joining Romania. In 1992, Chisinau made an unsuccessful attempt to resolve the issue by force, after which Transnistria actually became a territory not controlled by Moldova.