Posted 21 декабря 2022,, 16:50

Published 21 декабря 2022,, 16:50

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Reuters: mobile communications will worsen in Russia after Nokia and Ericsson leave the market

21 декабря 2022, 16:50
Leaving the Russian market of telecommunications equipment manufacturers Nokia and Ericsson will affect the quality of the country's mobile networks. Residents of the country in the long term may face problems with mobile communications and the Internet.

It is reported by Reuters, citing sources.

According to the agency, Ericsson and Nokia in Russia accounted for most of the telecommunications equipment and almost 50% of base stations. In addition, these companies released software that allows different networks to function together.

The inability to upgrade equipment will mean that Russians will increasingly experience mobile outages: slower downloads, more dropped and unconnected calls, longer blackouts. According to the publication, the stocks of imported equipment from the operators are depleted.

At the same time, the publication, citing the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications Maksut Shadayev, reports that four Russian telecom operators have signed contracts for the purchase of Russian equipment for 100 billion rubles. As a result of this year, Russian manufacturers of telecommunications equipment increased their market share to 25%.

The publication notes that the lack of contacts with foreign companies will set back the development of the telecommunications network in the country. 5G technologies are developing all over the world, while Russian equipment still uses old communication standards. In particular, this problem will be relevant for rural areas.