Posted 21 декабря 2022,, 09:40

Published 21 декабря 2022,, 09:40

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Special duties to be imposed on beer from "unfriendly countries"

Special duties to be imposed on beer from "unfriendly countries"

21 декабря 2022, 09:40
Фото: Медиахолдинг1Mi
In the nearest future, beer imports to Russia may be significantly reduced due to the introduction of import duties on the drink supplied from "unfriendly" countries.

According to Kommersant, the discussion of import duties on "unfriendly" beer is already underway in the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Finance.

The list of countries whose products may be subject to increased taxation may include all EU states, as well as the USA, Great Britain, Japan and Australia.

Earlier it became known that after the start of the military operation of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine, the import of imported beer to Russia has already significantly decreased. Experts estimate the volume of the fall for 9 months of 2022 at 34% - in absolute terms, supplies fell to 23 million decalitres of beer.

The drink is no longer supplied by the UK, USA and Canada. The flows come only from some companies in the Czech Republic, Germany and Belgium.

If additional duties are introduced, this could hit the range of products in stores and restaurants. Officials believe that such a measure will support local producers.