Video of the day: the conscience tormented the killer for a year, so he came with a confession

21 декабря 2022, 15:15
The case of the disappearance of a resident of the Kemerovo region, which dragged on for more than seven years, has finally come to an end.

Leonid Zlotnikov

The plot of the film "Stoker" by the outstanding director Alexey Balabanov was reminiscent of a story that happened in Kuzbass. There, the registry office of the city of Mariinsk was unable to register the fact of the death of one of the inhabitants of this city, although the verdict of the court on proven murder was passed. The fact is that this resident disappeared more than seven years ago, and despite all the police searches, his whereabouts could not be identified. This Mariinian worked in one of the local boiler houses, and in mid-March 2015 he went missing after his duty ended.

Witnesses claimed that he took alcohol with him when he left work. And now, a year after the disappearance, a former colleague of the missing man came to the police and confessed to his murder, and also to the fact that he burned the corpse in the boiler room furnace. According to the 28-year-old offender, the victim insulted his mother, and in retaliation, he hit him on the head with a metal pipe, and then got rid of the corpse. He confessed because of the pangs of conscience that overcame him for a whole year - the murdered man even began to appear to him in a dream. After this confession, the court sentenced the killer to eight years in a strict regime colony.

But the son of the murdered, after trying in vain to get the inheritance, went to court. The fact is that in the registry office, due to the unusual circumstances of the case, there was no medical certificate confirming the death of his father and without which it is impossible to recognize the right to inherit property. The verdict to the killer is not such a document. As a result, the court did satisfy the claim of the heir.

Video presented by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Kemerovo Region and the Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass

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