Posted 26 декабря 2022, 08:06

Published 26 декабря 2022, 08:06

Modified 26 декабря 2022, 08:46

Updated 26 декабря 2022, 08:46

The head of Rosatom demanded that Finland return the money for the construction of nuclear power plants

The head of Rosatom demanded that Finland return the money for the construction of nuclear power plants

26 декабря 2022, 08:06
Rosatom Director Alexei Likhachev called Finland's decision to withdraw from the Hanhikivi-1 NPP construction project politicized. He demanded that the "Finnish bosses" implement their own worldview at their own expense, and return the funds to Moscow.

The project of this nuclear power plant was the only one "on which, so to speak, our foreign activities" lost weight ". Earlier this month, the International Dispute Resolution Board ruled that the termination of the contract was illegal. This will allow Rosatom to demand compensation.

"Based on it (the decision of the council), we will further develop our relations with our Finnish customer, who, of course, made an absolutely politically motivated decision. In fact, they did not hide it. We cannot influence the outlook of the Finnish bosses. But let them sell it for their own money, and ours will be returned", - Izvestia quotes the words of Likhachev.

In early May, Fennovoima terminated the contract with Rosatom for the construction of Hanhikivi-1. The termination of the contract was due to "significant delays on the part of the RAOS Project and its inability to deliver on the project". In August, a Finnish energy company sued Rosatom for disrupting a nuclear power plant project. Rosatom stated that Finland had no reason to terminate the contract.

The project remains unrealized. The application for the construction of the station was submitted in 2015.
