Posted 28 декабря 2022, 06:37

Published 28 декабря 2022, 06:37

Modified 28 декабря 2022, 07:58

Updated 28 декабря 2022, 07:58

Thaw and slush are expected in Moscow on New Year's Eve

Thaw and slush are expected in Moscow on New Year's Eve

28 декабря 2022, 06:37
Climate warming
According to the forecasts of the specialists of the Phobos weather center, precipitation will fall in Moscow until the end of the year, and the thaw in the capital will last at least until the end of the week. On New Year's Eve, forecasters expect sleet and an air temperature of about 0°.

"There will be precipitation in a mixed phase in Moscow until the end of the year, and the temperature will noticeably exceed the climatic norm: -1° today, and up to -5° next night. Plus, the thermometer readings will leave on Friday; the thaw in the capital will be delayed at least until the end of the week. On a festive night in the metropolis around 0 °, sleet", - the message on the website of the weather center "Phobos" says.Experts explained the thaw by the cyclone's advance from the west to the borders of Russia, which carries warm air masses warmed by the Gulf Stream and precipitation.

Today, with the departure of the atmospheric front, less snow will fall in the metropolitan region, and by the evening the snowfall will almost stop.In St. Petersburg, warming is also expected on New Year's Eve, and the air in the Northern capital of Russia will warm up to plus values, although in the next couple of days light snow and temperatures of 0 ...-2 ° are expected.

"On Friday, rain will be mixed with precipitation. Weather will warm up to +2 °, and on December 31 and up to +3 °. On New Year's Eve, a slight thaw is expected in the city, and on Sunday the air will warm up to +4 °", - the forecasters noted, adding that such temperatures are more typical for the turn of March and April.
