Posted 29 декабря 2022,, 12:33

Published 29 декабря 2022,, 12:33

Modified 29 декабря 2022,, 14:52

Updated 29 декабря 2022,, 14:52

Russian Public Opinion Research Center: Russians called the lifting of the water blockade of Crimea the most significant result of SMO

Russian Public Opinion Research Center: Russians called the lifting of the water blockade of Crimea the most significant result of SMO

29 декабря 2022, 12:33
According to the results of a survey by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM), 85% of Russians called the lifting of the water blockade of Crimea the most significant result of the special operation in Ukraine. The study was commissioned by the Expert Institute for Social Research.

"The lifting of the water blockade of Crimea has become the most significant – the absolute majority consider this achievement significant and declare a positive attitude towards it (the size of the absolute support group* is 85%). The significance index** of the event, thus, amounted to 83 points, the attitude index*** – 86 points", - says the research report on the VTsIOM website.

Next in the ranking is the completion of the liberation of the LPR, the liberation of a significant part of the DPR (80%).

The significance index of the variant was 79 points, the ratio index reached 81 points.According to the results of the VTsIOM study, the third place in terms of the absolute support group was shared by "consolidation of Russian society against the background of citizens' support for Russian soldiers and officers" and "change in the status of the Sea of Azov (became an inland body of water in Russia)" — 79% each.

At the same time, the consolidation of the company has a celebrity index of 78 points and an attitude index of 81 points, and the change in the status of the Sea of Azov is 75 and 81 points, respectively.The rating also includes the consolidation of society against the background of assistance to servicemen in the special operation zone, displaced persons and residents of new regions (78%), increasing the sense of responsibility among citizens for their business and the future of the country (77%), as well as the entry into the Russian Federation of four new regions (76%).

The survey was conducted on December 27 by telephone interview.

It was attended by 1,600 adult respondents.* — the percentage of those who consider the event significant and have a positive attitude towards it.

** — an index compiled on the basis of the answers "rather significant" or "rather insignificant" fact, presented as a difference in the proportion of positive and negative responses in the range -100 ... +100.

The higher the value, the more significant the event.*** — an index calculated on the basis of responses about the attitude of citizens to the event.

The indicator is represented by the difference in the proportion of positive and negative responses in the range from -100 to +100. The higher the value, the better the attitude to the event.