Posted 2 января 2023,, 09:22

Published 2 января 2023,, 09:22

Modified 2 января 2023,, 13:01

Updated 2 января 2023,, 13:01

Motorists were warned about changes in traffic regulations and new fees in 2023

Motorists were warned about changes in traffic regulations and new fees in 2023

2 января 2023, 09:22
Since January 1, 2023, amendments to the traffic regulations have come into force, which relate to technical inspection, CTP, state duty, excise taxes and not only.

New tariffs

From January 1 and throughout the year, the new price for technical inspection is valid.

According to the portal "Behind the Wheel", in 2023-2024, the cost will be calculated by increasing the previously existing tariffs by the amount of accumulated inflation. The minimum fare for passenger cars is 913 rubles, for trucks — 999 rubles, for buses — 1563 rubles. "From January 1, 2023, disabled people who have vehicles in accordance with medical indications, or their legal representatives will be able to apply for compensation for 50% of the cost of CTP remotely, through the portal of public services," the publication notes.

From 800 to 1500 rubles, the state duty for the issuance of a certificate of conformity of the vehicle with the changes made to its design to safety requirements has been increased, including when replacing a lost or unusable one.

In addition, registration of tuning, installation of HBO, towbar and other structural changes will become more expensive — from 800 to 2500 rubles. New state duties

Excise taxes on fuel and cars will increase from January 1.

So, for a car with an engine from 90 hp, you will have to pay 55 rubles for one hp, and with a power of more than 150 hp, you will have to pay 531 rubles for each unit of value, and in the range from 200 to 300 hp — 869 rubles.Also, from 2023, it is planned to fully switch to the registry model of enforcement proceedings.

In this regard, debts on traffic police fines and other debts will be debited from bank cards and accounts of citizens without a paper document.Means of individual mobility

In March, the concept of a means of individual mobility (SIM) was introduced for the first time in the traffic regulations.

This category includes gyroscuters, monowheels, electric scooters and other similar vehicles. According to the new rules, the SIM can be used on the roadway of bicycle and pedestrian paths and sidewalks, but with a few caveats."It is possible to ride on the sidewalk, pedestrian and bike paths for a SIM lighter than 35 kilograms, and people who are already 14 years old are allowed to move along the right edge of the carriageway.

The speed should not exceed 25 kilometers per hour. It is also necessary to install a brake system, a sound signal, retroreflectors in front and behind," RIA Novosti notes.The publication notes that in the event of an accident, the risks will partially fall on car owners, as managers of high-risk vehicles in relation to SIM, but everyone will have to answer, regardless of who exactly violated traffic rules.

In addition, drivers of electric scooters will be banned from driving a vehicle with one hand and transporting passengers, including children, without special equipment.

It will also be prohibited to transport goods that interfere with management. At the same time, the SIM status does not apply to ordinary scooters and roller skates.Auto expert Kirill Formanchuk, in an interview with RIA Novosti, noted that certain difficulties would arise with compliance with the rules, but the changes made would make it possible to criminalize scooters who hit people.

New signs and markings

In 2023, signs with the image of a person on a scooter will appear in Russia, which will allow or prohibit movement on a SIM.

The choice of places for the installation of appropriate signs will be made by municipalities. They will also choose places to ban the movement of buses. The restrictions do not apply to school buses and public transport. Also, in cities where charging stations for electric vehicles are installed, corresponding signs will appear in the form of a plug with a cable.Paid parking places in cities will be marked with a characteristic symbol in the form of the letter P, supplemented with a coin pattern.

Thus, two separate signs will be combined. Disabled parking spaces will be represented by a sign with the image of a wheelchair user. The publication notes that in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh and Krasnodar, an experiment is already being conducted with the introduction of these innovations.Paid and free parking zones have received special markings — blue and white, respectively.

Parking areas for stopping minibuses, taxis, as well as boarding/disembarking tram passengers will be marked in yellow. Auto expert Formanchuk believes that it is advisable to use similar markings in Moscow, St. Petersburg and cities of the Southern regions.A separate section will also appear at traffic lights, which shows a silhouette of a pedestrian with a flashing white arrow.

The signal will warn about the possible movement of pedestrians on the green light of the traffic light when turning at intersections. The experiment has been conducted in Moscow for several years.Electronic rights

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has prepared amendments to the rules for applying for a driver's license.

It is proposed to change the list of necessary documents for passing the exam. In particular, it is proposed to exclude a medical report on the presence of contraindications. Traffic police officers will request the relevant information directly from the Ministry of Health.The changes may also affect the procedure for exchanging foreign driver's licenses of categories C, D, CE, CD and their subcategories for Russian samples.

To do this, you will need to provide a document on passing the final certification in a driving school. The project is under public discussion and may be submitted to the State Duma in the first half of the year.It is also noted that from the end of 2022, a driver's license is allowed to be shown to a traffic police inspector in electronic form, but it is still necessary to have the original document with you.