Posted 3 января 2023, 12:01

Published 3 января 2023, 12:01

Modified 3 января 2023, 12:03

Updated 3 января 2023, 12:03

The Russian Foreign Ministry warned about Russia's retaliatory measures when Japan creates a military threat

The Russian Foreign Ministry warned about Russia's retaliatory measures when Japan creates a military threat

3 января 2023, 12:01
Russian Army
Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Andrey Rudenko said that Tokyo is implementing a policy of abandoning the peaceful development of the country and moving to forced militarization. The diplomat warned that when creating military threats from Japan, Russia will take retaliatory measures.

"We drew attention to the accelerated implementation by the administration of [Japanese Prime Minister Fumio] Kishida's course is to abandon the so—called peaceful development of the country that has been declared for many decades and switch to the rails of forced militarization", - Rudenko stressed in an interview with TASS.

As an example, he cited large-scale military exercises near the border of the Russian Federation, in which Tokyo's non-regional partners took part.

The diplomat also pointed to the updating of doctrinal documents in the field of defense and security of Japan to increase the strike potential and unprecedented increase in defense spending. The Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation stressed that Moscow regularly publicly voices its position, as well as transmits appropriate signals through diplomatic channels.

"We consider such activity by Tokyo as a serious challenge to the security of our country and the Asia-Pacific region as a whole.

We warn you that if this practice continues, we will be forced to take adequate retaliatory measures in order to block military threats to Russia", - Rudenko said. He stressed that Japan's anti-Russian course hinders the establishment of a dialogue, including on a peace treaty.

