Posted 3 января 2023,, 07:21

Published 3 января 2023,, 07:21

Modified 3 января 2023,, 11:56

Updated 3 января 2023,, 11:56

The State Duma proposed to refuse to increase the service life until the completion of the special operation

The State Duma proposed to refuse to increase the service life until the completion of the special operation

3 января 2023, 07:21
According to the head of the State Duma Committee on Defense Andrey Kartapolov, it is necessary to discuss the restructuring of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, including an increase in the term of military service, after the completion of the special operation. The parliamentarian sees no need for such discussions at this stage.

The head of the defense Committee of the State Duma told about this on the radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

"In my opinion, there is no such need today (to increase the terms of military service to two years).

First, because we have defined the method of recruitment [in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation]. Secondly, we are conducting a special military operation, during which we have already carried out partial mobilization", - Kartapolov believes (quoted by TASS).

The deputy noted the need for a deep restructuring of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, but, in his opinion, it will be necessary to deal with it after the completion of the special operation, its results, the geopolitical situation in the world and the tasks set.

"Now to get involved in this discussion: one and a half, two, or maybe three years [of military service], in my opinion, is not necessary.

On the contrary, it is necessary now to complete everything concerning a special military operation, and then, indeed, to engage in a deep restructuring of the armed forces", - he said.

According to the parliamentarian, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation should determine the need to increase the duration of military service in the Russian Federation.

He noted that it is also necessary to study the attitude of society to such an initiative.The head of the State Duma Committee on Defense argued that six months is enough to train a specialist who owns any sample of military equipment.

"Simpler specialties, such as a shooter, a grenade launcher, a grenade launcher assistant - in general, almost three months are enough, they will be ready to perform tasks", - Kartapolov said.