As Medvedev wrote in his telegram channel, he sympathizes with those Ukrainians who "on a Great Holiday" lost the opportunity to go to church. However, for the Russian side, according to Medvedev, such a refusal only makes life easier.
"I think most of our servicemen taking part in the SVO calmly exhaled after hearing the refusal of the main Ukrainian clowns to cease fire on Christmas. There are fewer problems and guile," the deputy chairman of the Security Council said.
Then Dmitry Medvedev compared Ukrainian politicians with animals that are "trained" by Western "masters". At the same time, the 42-year-old head of the German foreign Ministry, Annalena Berbock, was called by the Russian ex-president "an illiterate grandmother," and her compatriots were "heirs of the Nazis."
Earlier, Dmitry Medvedev had already made harsh statements about individual politicians in social networks. So, he called those who impose anti-Russian sanctions "imbeciles", criticized Western countries for declaring restrictions against relatives of Russian politicians. He called the former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson a freak in his publications, and his successor, also a former prime minister, Liz Truss, an "incompetent and mediocre thermonuclear Russophobe." At the end of November, he criticized the "alpha males of Pindustan", accusing them of "economic infidelity" to Europe. Then Medvedev spoke about the possibility of returning the death penalty to the Russian Federation.