Posted 9 января 2023,, 10:13

Published 9 января 2023,, 10:13

Modified 9 января 2023,, 10:41

Updated 9 января 2023,, 10:41

In Brazil, after an attempt to seize power, social networks are blocked, arrests and searches are underway

In Brazil, after an attempt to seize power, social networks are blocked, arrests and searches are underway

9 января 2023, 10:13
Brazilian Supreme Court judge Alexander de Moraes, after an unsuccessful attempt to seize power by supporters of the far-right former president Jair Bolsonaro, first ordered the blocking of Facebook, Twitter and TikTok, which, according to him, were engaged in "incitement to a coup."

The newly elected president of the country, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, writes Reuters, addressing the nation, condemned the putschists as "invaders and fascists". "All the people who stormed the presidential palace and other public buildings will be found and severely punished", - he promised.

The Supreme Court immediately ruled that the investigation initiated would establish the degree of guilt of each of the participants in the riots, who, according to the law, face up to 12 years in prison. In the meantime, the security forces are conducting searches, arrests, interrogations. There are already more than 400 detained putschists in the overcrowded bullpen.

Correspondents of The Washington Post described what was happening on the streets of the Brazilian capital. Radical supporters of Bolsonaro, who lost the election, who clearly gathered in Brasilia on someone's command the day before, broke into and destroyed the building of the presidential office, Congress and the Supreme Court. Angry people, apparently warmed up by alcohol, for some reason broke furniture, tore folders with papers, beat computers, desecrated statues and paintings.  

Most of the rioters turned into the yellow-green color of the Brazilian flag. Some shouted to the policemen who arrived: "This is just the beginning!" and "God will not allow you to act against us patriots!"

Protesters launched fireworks from the roof of the Congress building. Others waved the yellow and green jerseys of the national football team - now a symbol of the far right.

In the first minutes of the riots, the police were at a loss and did not confront the hooligans. But then clashes started all over the city, as a result of which there were many wounded. Meanwhile, from helicopters of the Brazilian Air Force, the military dropped noise and light grenades, as well as tear gas grenades, on crowds of people. 

The Union of Journalists of the Federal District of Brasilia said that at least eight correspondents of the world's media, who were performing their professional duty, were attacked by rioters.

After almost five hours of riots, police units in Brasilia forced the protesters out of the government buildings they had seized. 

Brazil's Justice Minister Flavio Dino said the riots were "tantamount to terrorism." According to him, the authorities have started tracking those who paid for the buses that took the protesters to the capital the day before.

"There are still people on the Internet calling for the continuation of these terrorist acts. They will not succeed in destroying Brazilian democracy", - the Associated Press quoted the minister as saying. 

Meanwhile, Bolsonaro, who is in Florida, rejected the accusations against him, tweeting that peaceful demonstrations "took place within the framework of democracy," but the invasion of government buildings, according to him, "became a real lawlessness".

"The United States should not become a haven for this authoritarian leader who inspired domestic terrorism in Brazil. He should be sent back to Brazil and jailed as a conspirator", - said influential Democratic Congressman Joaquin Castro on CNN.

The coup attempt in Brazil was officially condemned by the UN, the leaders of all Latin American countries, as well as the European Union and the United States.