Posted 11 января 2023,, 12:23

Published 11 января 2023,, 12:23

Modified 11 января 2023,, 13:49

Updated 11 января 2023,, 13:49

"Podyom": the Ministry of Culture of Chechnya is not going to deprive Meladze of the title of People's Artist

"Podyom": the Ministry of Culture of Chechnya is not going to deprive Meladze of the title of People's Artist

11 января 2023, 12:23
The Ministry of Culture of Chechnya said that they would not deprive the performer Valery Meladze of the title of People's Artist of the republic. This issue has not yet been raised in the Ministry.

"The Chechen Republic stands for the integrity of Russia, against international terrorism, for stability, for the policy of the country's leadership, and so far such moments have not been touched by them", - the ministry commented on the "Podyom".

The agency added that the artist has the right to his opinion. "In his speech, there is no mention of the President or the Chechen Republic, which is actively involved in restoring constitutional order on the territory of Ukraine. <...> The question of depriving him of the title of People's Artist is not worth it yet", - the ministry added.

It was proposed to deprive the artist of Russian citizenship and all the titles he received after his performance at a corporate party in Dubai. The artist from the stage responded to the phrase "Glory to Ukraine" said from the audience. He removed the microphone from his face and whispered an answer, after which he said "shh" into the microphone. The man behind the scenes greeted the performer with the words "Oh, you rock man!". Valery Meladze himself continued that he is out of politics.

After the corporate party, the performer wrote that he dreams of harmony being established between close peoples.

Valery Meladze holds the title of Honored Artist of Russia and People's Artist of the Chechen Republic.