Posted 11 января 2023,, 04:38

Published 11 января 2023,, 04:38

Modified 11 января 2023,, 06:51

Updated 11 января 2023,, 06:51

The head of Kuzbass Sergey Tsivilev deprived Maxim Galkin* of the regional awards

The head of Kuzbass Sergey Tsivilev deprived Maxim Galkin* of the regional awards

11 января 2023, 04:38
The governor of the Kemerovo region, Sergey Tsivilev, signed a decree according to which the artist Maxim Galkin* is deprived of regional awards due to committing an act "discrediting him as an awardee." The head of the region was asked about this earlier by local veterans.

So, Galkin* lost the Order of Honor of Kuzbass, which he received in 2013, as well as the medal "For Faith and Goodness" - it was awarded to the artist in 2004. According to representatives of the regional Council of Veterans, Galkin* as "a public person who insulted his country and betrayed its interests" is not worthy of Russian awards. On the eve of Tsivilev supported the appeal of veterans. The artist at a concert in Dubai from the stage uttered the Ukrainian nationalist slogan "glory to heroes" in response to the shout from the audience "glory to Ukraine".

Before that, he repeatedly supported the Kiev regime and criticized the Russian authorities because of the special operation in Ukraine. Galkin* left Russia and moved to Israel. At the end of last year, it became known that he could lose his Israeli citizenship.

*recognized as a foreign agent