Posted 11 января 2023,, 07:59

Published 11 января 2023,, 07:59

Modified 11 января 2023,, 08:06

Updated 11 января 2023,, 08:06

The Transnistrian authorities resisted sending German armored personnel carriers to Moldova

11 января 2023, 07:59
The Foreign Minister of the unrecognized Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR), Vitaly Ignatiev, expressed serious concern about the transfer of German armored personnel carriers to the National Army of Moldova.

According to Interfax, referring to Ignatiev's statement, Transnistria is dissatisfied with "soothing statements" about the transfer of military equipment to Moldova.

"I absolutely do not rule out that this equipment and new weapons will appear near the security zone and directly in the security zone, as has happened many times before", - Ignatiev's appeal quotes the news agency.

The diplomat said that the transfer of military equipment to Moldova leads to destabilization of the situation. He called for solving problems in a "civilized and constructive" diplomatic way, and not by force.

Germany, in accordance with an international agreement concluded on January 10, handed over to Moldova the first batch of Piranha armored personnel carriers for the needs of the National Army.

On January 12, the Ministry of Defense of the country has scheduled a press screening of new military equipment purchased in Germany and a detailed story about the technical characteristics of army vehicles.