Earlier, a number of media outlets and telegram channels reported that the Ministry of Culture of Chechnya allegedly made a statement about preserving Meladze's honorary title.
The reason for the close attention of officials to the artist was his recent performance at a private party in Dubai, during which Meladze responded to the nationalist Ukrainian slogan.
After learning about the incident, the State Duma proposed to deprive Meladze of all his titles. And in The Federation Council proposed to go even further: to deprive Meladze not only of titles, but also of Russian citizenship.
Valery Meladze himself refused to comment on what happened, indicating only that he was experiencing "heaviness and grief", but at the same time he could not and did not want to hate anyone, RIA Novosti notes.
Commenting on the widespread information that the Ministry of Culture of Chechnya allegedly does not intend to punish Meladze for his position, and that the artist has the right to speak out against his own, Dudaev denied this information.
"I officially declare that the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic in the person of Aishat Ramzanovna Kadyrova, as well as the heads of other departments of the region did not say anything like that", - Dudayev said.
He called for the punishment of unscrupulous journalists who spread false information about the daughter of the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov and about the state department headed by her.
Earlier it became known that the head of Kuzbass, Sergey Tsivilev, deprived the artist Maxim Galkin* of regional awards for making pro-Ukrainian statements during the concert.
*entered by the Ministry of Justice in the register of "foreign agents".