Posted 13 января 2023, 08:47

Published 13 января 2023, 08:47

Modified 13 января 2023, 09:21

Updated 13 января 2023, 09:21

Defense Ministry: deferral for fathers with three children is being worked out

Defense Ministry: deferral for fathers with three children is being worked out

13 января 2023, 08:47
Fathers of four children are still granted a deferral from mobilization. The issue of granting a deferral for the fathers of three children is currently being worked out. This was stated on the hotline of the Ministry of Defense.

"As soon as it is known, the official representative of the Ministry of Defense will inform about it", - the Ministry of Defense hotline representatives said Daily Storm.

Earlier, the military commissar of the Trans-Baikal Territory, Yuri Shuvalov, announced the cancellation of the deferral from mobilization for the fathers of three children. He noted that by the decision of the Chief of the General Staff of December 21, the paragraph of the directive on granting deferral to fathers with many children with three children under the age of 16 was canceled.

The information was confirmed by State Duma deputy Nina Ostanina. According to her, the notification of the cancellation of this item was sent to the military enlistment offices at the end of December. According to the deputy, since partial mobilization in the country has been canceled, fathers with three children will no longer be called up. However, the deputy believes that the cancellation of this paragraph will make it difficult for fathers with three children who were previously called up to serve to return home. They will remain in the area of the special operation.

Recall that initially, after the announcement of partial mobilization in the country, only large fathers with four or more children received a postponement. This caused controversy, since families with three or more children are considered to have many children in the country. In October, the General Staff notified the military enlistment offices about granting a deferral for fathers with three children under 16. In addition, the State Duma considered amendments to the law on mobilization, which were supposed to fix a postponement for large families, but the amendments were not adopted.
