Posted 13 января 2023, 14:33

Published 13 января 2023, 14:33

Modified 13 января 2023, 15:02

Updated 13 января 2023, 15:02

Disappearing pride: sociologists have found out how the attitude of Russians to their country is changing

Disappearing pride: sociologists have found out how the attitude of Russians to their country is changing

13 января 2023, 14:33
In recent years, before the outbreak of the pandemic and its, Russian society became increasingly disillusioned with the motherland

The scientists of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted an interesting analysis of how Russian society approached the current situation in their study "Russian Identity and interethnic relations" last year.

It turned out that from 2015 to 2020, the number of positive assessments about their homeland fell from 67 to 50%, while negative, on the contrary, increased from 18 to 35%. Probably, 2021, which saw the maximum mortality during the coronavirus pandemic and the increase in fatigue from epidemiological restrictions, further worsened these estimates.