Posted 13 января 2023, 07:52

Published 13 января 2023, 07:52

Modified 13 января 2023, 09:26

Updated 13 января 2023, 09:26

The senator proposes to confiscate the property of emigrants for discrediting the army

The senator proposes to confiscate the property of emigrants for discrediting the army

13 января 2023, 07:52
The head of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and state Construction, Andrei Klishas, proposed to confiscate the property of Russians who left the country if they discredit the actions of the Russian military, call for extremism and the rehabilitation of Nazism.

According to him, for this it is necessary to amend the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

"Such an approach is possible, but it is necessary to formulate the composition of a criminal offense, it is necessary to make appropriate amendments to the Criminal Code", - he told TASS.

Earlier, a similar proposal was made by the chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin. He said that recently there have been more frequent cases when Russians who left the country to "curry favor abroad" openly support "villains, Nazis and murderers." He proposed to supplement the articles on the rehabilitation of Nazism and the discrediting of the Russian army with the possibility of confiscation of the property of such persons.

Earlier, a public outcry was caused by the statement of the actor Arthur Smolyaninov, who left the country. He said he was ready to fight for Ukraine, adding that he did not care about the fate of Russia, even if the country turned into radioactive ash. The head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, instructed to initiate a criminal case against the actor.
