Posted 17 января 2023,, 14:10

Published 17 января 2023,, 14:10

Modified 17 января 2023,, 16:37

Updated 17 января 2023,, 16:37

Kevin Spacey received the award of the National Museum of Cinema of Italy

Kevin Spacey received the award of the National Museum of Cinema of Italy

17 января 2023, 14:10
In response, Spacey thanked the Museum for its courage.

Kevin Spacey received an award for creative achievements from the National Museum of Cinema of Italy, reports The Hollywood Reporter. Presenting the actor with the Stella della Mole Award at a ceremony in Turin, Italy's Deputy Minister of Culture Vittorio Sgarbi said: "Tonight we are witnessing the return of Kevin Spacey… The one who lives thanks to cinema is truly immortal, and it is to this person that we present our prize tonight".

In response, Spacey thanked the Museum for "having the courage to invite me". The actor, famous for his roles in the TV series "House of Cards" and numerous films, including "The Usual Suspects" and "American Beauty," continues to face accusations of inappropriate behavior. In June, Spacey, who worked from 2004 to 2015 as the artistic director of London's Old Vic Theater, will appear in a British court on a case of sexual crimes. The actor is accused of assault, sexual harassment and coercion to sexual activity. Spacey denies all charges.