After Randon's death, the 115-year-old Spaniard Branyas became the oldest inhabitant of the Earth

After Randon's death, the 115-year-old Spaniard Branyas became the oldest inhabitant of the Earth

18 января 2023, 17:38
Until the age of 105, she played the piano, read newspapers and played sports every morning.

After the death of 118-year-old Frenchwoman Lucille Randon, 115-year-old Spaniard Maria Branhas became the holder of the title of the oldest person on earth, the Daily Mail reports.

Maria Branhas was born on March 4, 1907 in a Catalan family who had moved to San Francisco from Spain a year earlier. In 1915, during the First World War, they decided to return to Spain, because the head of the family fell ill with tuberculosis. He died on the ship on which they crossed the Atlantic, and his daughter successfully returned to Spain, married there and gave birth to three children.

In a recent interview, Maria Branias said that she has 11 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. She is survived by her parents, three siblings, her husband and one of her children. Until the age of 105, she played the piano, read newspapers and played sports every morning, and now lives in a nursing home in Toulon, France.

According to the director of the nursing home, Maria is in good health for her age and she is still able to move independently for short distances. Maria herself said that the authorities put her on a diet, although they allowed her to eat a small piece of cake on her birthday.

In 2019, Maria Branhas became the oldest person in Spain. And two years ago she was recognized as the oldest person on Earth who had been ill with covid.

#Spain #Old age #Records