Posted 19 января 2023,, 14:24

Published 19 января 2023,, 14:24

Modified 19 января 2023,, 14:39

Updated 19 января 2023,, 14:39

Roskomnadzor has developed criteria to attribute information about LGBT people to propaganda

Roskomnadzor has developed criteria to attribute information about LGBT people to propaganda

19 января 2023, 14:24
Roskomnadzor has developed criteria by which it will determine whether information about non-traditional sexual relations relates to LGBT propaganda or not. This is reported by Vedomosti.

According to the publication, at the end of December last year, the agency published criteria for LGBT propaganda on the portal of draft regulatory legal acts. The public discussion of this document will last until January 23. It is noted that the criteria will become effective from September 1 of this year.

In particular, it is noted that information will be considered propaganda if it is aimed at convincing about the permissibility of sexual relations with minors; creates a distorted idea of the social equivalence of traditional and non-traditional sexual relations, justifies the rejection of traditional sexual relations; and also if this information forms a positive attitude to the change of a person's biological sex.

Deputy Alexander Khinshtein, who is one of the authors of the bill banning LGBT propaganda, clarified that now Roskomnadzor is holding meetings with market participants about these criteria. Earlier in December, two meetings were held with the participation of representatives of online cinemas, at which new criteria were discussed.

Recall that at the beginning of December last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on a complete ban on LGBT propaganda. Fines are provided for violation of the ban. For individuals, they amount to 400 thousand rubles, for legal entities – up to five million.

Earlier it was noted that the first LGBT propaganda case in the country was opened against the book publishing house. Roskomnadzor reported that in a month and a half it had blocked over 300 sites promoting non-traditional sexual relations.