Yekaterina Maximova
What we fought for, we ran into
"The entire Soviet system of vocational schools was broken and nothing was created in return.
And now it's too late. But there are a lot of economists, lawyers, managers and other rubbish in the Russian Federation," writes a subscriber under the nickname Marat D. Askhat Sirazdinov adds: "30 years of disregard for workers - got the result.
At the age of 20, I received a salary as a turner more than the head of the shop. Honor and respect. Now there are only managers, and there is no one to work! Even now, they offer a job to a person with 20-30 years of work experience with a salary of 40 thousand. They also snide: we ask a lot. A man of work decides everything, not managers!". "At first, all the skilled workers were kicked out of the factories in the 90s, now they can't collect them," Dmitry joined the discussion.
"What were the priorities, such is the result. But bloggers and effective managers are a dime a dozen. Well, gentlemen managers, did the milokhins help you?", - Yevgeny Akimov asks a rhetorical question. Igor Gorynych writes about the fact that it could not have been any other way: "Here is the result of optimization for you. And they also exalted managers, and trampled the working professions. To a loafer -a mediocre hundred, to a hard worker -a rouble". Got a fair portion of criticism and IT specialists (who are now "our everything"), and bloggers - only those who know how to make faces. Anatoly K. Recalled that the people were not silent and were outraged by the government's course to eliminate vocational schools and the education system.
"How many years have people been talking about this! They didn't listen. A professional worker at the machine should receive a salary no less than a manager, or even more", - the author of the comment believes. The price to you is a penny
This is the payment for the work of people standing at the machine. Factories, which now work in three shifts because of their own, are sorely lacking machine operators, assemblers, turners and millers.
Salaries for such specialists, depending on the region, are offered different. But whether in Moscow, Tula or Kurgan, the worker will still receive pennies. Most often, this is not even the level of the average salary in the country (about 60 thousand rubles). Pay a decent salary and people will go - the main message from the authors of the comments. "But not everyone is ready to work for a bowl of soup", - the author writes under the nickname With Katz.
"Until there is a decent wage, figs to you, not slaves.
For 35-40 thousand, let Mishustin and Medvedev work at the factory", - Andrey K. said.
"The director paid me 20-25 thousand at my last job, he also wondered why the young people did not go to work", - Ivan Demidov put in a remark.
"And at the Zhukovsky Machine-building Plant, the salary has not yet been paid for October. All the workers scattered", - Alex kam shared. Mikhail P. talks about how much the worker's salary does not correspond to the load.
He stopped at the vacancy of an electrician at Uralvagonzavod with a work schedule of 5 days a week for 12 hours. "<...> breathing flux vapors for 12 hours is not the most useful activity. And 5 days a week for 12 hours, even a young body will not be able to work for more than a month or two," Mikhail noted. And I calculated that the price for such work is about 50 thousand a month. And it is necessary - from 120,000 on hand. "Then people will start coming", - Alexander Pavlov believes. Resentment
"All officials are turned into locksmiths and fitters", - writes Incognito 8191.
"The general receives a million - an ordinary designer - 25 thousand rubles. This has been going on for more than one year", - Viktor Tsuker shared. "It's true.
My father is 70, a turner. A year ago, he was fired for health reasons. Yesterday they called and asked me to come back. Apparently, he got healthier in a year," Natalia wrote, reacting to a quote from the publication that the factories began to return pensioners to the machines.
"So they tell us all the time that no one is being held, there you are behind the fence - there is a queue. And it turns out that it's like in reality", - one can feel the resentment in the words of Dmitry Barinov.
"And where did the phrase go - there are a lot of people behind the fence", - adds Al Ur.
"In a country where the working class is not respected, there is no future - everything that has been created in the world has been developed by the minds of engineers, created by the hands of workers", - Yuri Titov summed up.
"Medvedev <...> here, let him take off his jacket and pair it with a Gref to the machine, this is not nonsense to chalk. A joke, of course", - writes Alexander Kovtun.
"Make salaries like deputies and there will be no problems in any industry", - Andrey Ivan put in.
"But the managers from Bali do not get out. Return justice and people will go", - Alexander Samoilov believes.Most readers are sure that it will not work to restore what has been destroyed in Russia for decades.
At least - quickly. The vector of the country's development "buy-sell" has done its job. "A personal indicator of what we have achieved in thirty years", - Sergey Pokhmelkin summed up.