Posted 23 января 2023, 05:59

Published 23 января 2023, 05:59

Modified 23 января 2023, 06:31

Updated 23 января 2023, 06:31

On January 23, the acceptance of applications for deferral from conscription for IT specialists started

On January 23, the acceptance of applications for deferral from conscription for IT specialists started

23 января 2023, 05:59
You can submit an application until February 6, 2023.

Today, on January 23, the acceptance of applications for deferral from military service for IT specialists within the framework of the spring draft has started, the Ministry of Finance said. The postponement has been in effect since March of this year. 

"We are changing the rules for applying for a deferral from military service in the army. The employee himself will now be able to fill out information about himself", - the department reminded once again. 

Now employees should submit applications from January 23 to February 6 through Public Services, the employer will see them in his personal account on the portal.

The Ministry of Finance will hand over the lists to the Ministry of Defense by March 1. From April 1 to July 15, the draft commission will make decisions on postponement. As already reported, in order to get a reprieve from the army, an employee needs to meet a number of criteria. He must be aged 18-27 years, work under an employment contract, have a higher education in an IT specialty from the list of eligible for deferral. The postponement will be granted to those employees who have been working in accredited IT companies for at least 11 months. Otherwise, the employer must make sure that the specialist got a job within a year after graduation.
