Posted 25 января 2023, 13:31

Published 25 января 2023, 13:31

Modified 25 января 2023, 17:20

Updated 25 января 2023, 17:20

"Britannia tries to ruin things again": Milonov sharply commented on the cover of the Tatarstan magazine

"Britannia tries to ruin things again": Milonov sharply commented on the cover of the Tatarstan magazine

25 января 2023, 13:31
According to the State Duma deputy, Russia's enemies are trying to sow discord between Russians and Tatars.

The release of the January issue of the magazine "Tatarstan" turned into a scandal. Readers reacted sharply to the cover of this publication, which is divided into two equal parts, the left one symbolizes the "old and the past", and it depicts a black cat and an Orthodox church, but on the right, which is dedicated to a bright future, a white cat and a mosque are visible.

The Orthodox movement "Forty Magpies" has already accused the magazine of extremism, stating that it will send a corresponding statement to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.  The well-known State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov did not stand aside either, who noted that journalists should apologize in writing to readers and not write off this incident "on a fool".

Online edition Inkazan called Milonov. That's what he said:

"I think it was done by narrow—minded people, I would say pests. (...) The idiocy they have allowed themselves is disgusting in the eyes of the Almighty".

Milonov believes that no Russian religious Islamic figure would ever allow himself to make such statements. And even more so in such a center of interethnic harmony as Tatarstan is. According to Milonov, people who place such images on the cover of a state publication are "trying to sow evil".

Moreover, the MP said that this is the case of the British government, which "generously funded" them.

The deputy warned that the British have been trying to create tension in the Islamic republics of Russia for a long time, and Tatarstan is their favorite target.

"This is an opportunity to manipulate the emergence of hatred between Christians and Muslims, which should not and cannot be in Russia", - Milonov said.

