Posted 25 января 2023,, 04:37

Published 25 января 2023,, 04:37

Modified 25 января 2023,, 06:22

Updated 25 января 2023,, 06:22

Irkutsk resident who blew up the elevator was sentenced to ten years in a penal colony

Irkutsk resident who blew up the elevator was sentenced to ten years in a penal colony

25 января 2023, 04:37
He must pay a fine of 220 thousand rubles.
Irkutsk region

The case was considered by a jury of the Sverdlovsk District Court of Irkutsk. He was found guilty of crimes under articles on intentional damage to property committed by explosion, illegal storage of explosives or explosive devices, illegal manufacture of explosives. Investigators found out that on November 30, 2021, an explosion occurred in the elevator of the house on Marshal Konev Street in Irkutsk when the cabin was going up.

A 30-year-old citizen who was in the elevator was injured. As it was established, the incident happened due to the operation of an artisanal explosive device without damaging elements.

Investigators in hot pursuit detained the suspect - a 52-year-old resident of the neighboring entrance.

The culprit received a sentence of ten years in a general regime colony and a fine of 220 thousand rubles.

As specified by Kommersant, the explosive device was placed in the elevator intentionally. The reason was a conflict between neighbors.

On the eve of last year, we recall, a video was published on the Network, which captures how a scooter exploded right in the elevator of a residential building in Krasnodar.