In Britain, up to 4.5 million children will miss school due to a teachers' strike

In Britain, up to 4.5 million children will miss school due to a teachers' strike

30 января 2023, 13:58
On February 1, students of 23 thousand schools will not be able to attend classes due to the planned teachers' strike on this day. According to The Times newspaper, up to 4.5 million children will miss school. According to the newspaper, this strike will be the largest in the last 10 years.

"Teachers are taking this step because they are in a desperate situation. Over the past ten years, their salaries [in real terms] have decreased more than those of representatives of almost any other profession. This strike is a terrible nuisance for parents and students who will miss a day of classes, but what is happening in schools every day now due to a shortage of teachers is also terrible", - Mary Bousted, Secretary General of the largest trade union of education workers National Education Union (NEU), explained the situation (quoted by TASS).

In this regard, British teachers require salary indexation above the established annual inflation rate, which has reached 10.5%. The NEU noted that officials did not come up with specific proposals to increase teachers' salaries, so the chances of preventing a strike at the moment are estimated as minimal.

If the strikers fail to draw the government's attention to the problem, they are ready to repeat the strike. In February and March, NEU plans to carry out six more such strikes.

Thanks to the efforts of trade unions, not only school teachers, but also university teachers, machinists, bus drivers, civil servants, representatives of security services will strike on February 1. In total, more than 500 thousand people can take part in the strikes scheduled for February 1.

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