Posted 31 января 2023,, 11:18

Published 31 января 2023,, 11:18

Modified 31 января 2023,, 11:24

Updated 31 января 2023,, 11:24

Parents in Russia have started saving on infant nutrition

Parents in Russia have started saving on infant nutrition

31 января 2023, 11:18
In 2022, residents of the Russian Federation began to buy fewer goods for babies, including baby food and diapers. This is evidenced by the data of the research company NielsenIQ.

According to NielsenIQ experts, in 2022, sales of baby food and hygiene products for babies decreased in physical terms by 7.8% compared to 2021.

Most of all, parents began to save on vegetable and fruit complementary foods for infants of the first year of life: the consumption of viscous baby food (fruit and vegetable puree) fell by 20.2% over the year.

According to RBC, the reduction in consumption affected all children's consumer goods, including dry mixes (minus 13.3%) and breast milk substitutes (minus 5.4%). Parents also reduced purchases of dairy food for children by 8.6%, and ready-made children's drinks by 10.3%.

The consumption of diapers fell by 8.3%, talcum powder — by 9.6%, baby cream — by 12.1%, but the monetary costs of them increased.

The "diapers" rose the most - by 17.7%. They are followed by breast milk substitutes, which have increased in price by 12.1%, as well as baby milk food and drinks for children, the cost of which has increased by 10.9% and 9.8% respectively over the year, Kommersant notes. The total increase in the price of goods for children amounted to 10.5% over the year.

Manufacturers note that in the past year, some parents began to refuse to buy specialized children's products, transferring babies to an "adult" diet.

During 2022, there was a general collapse of consumer demand in the country, the researchers note. It fell below the figures of 2014.